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H-OF Excellent Line ALPHA Baseplate BP1000

Excellent Line ponúka perfektný balanc medzi čistým dizajnom a funkčnou technológiou pre prvotriednu atmosféru.

Nové Excellent Line Alpha boli špeciálne vyvinuté pre high-end entertainment sektor, robiac ich perfektnými doplnkami pre L-Acoustics reproduktory.

Excellent Line ALPHA Baseplate BP1000
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The Excellent Line offers the perfect balance between purist design and functional technology for first-class atmosphere.

The new Excellent Line Alpha was specially developed for the high-end entertainment sector, making it the perfect complement to L-Acoustics loudspeakers.
Color: RAL 9005 1000x750x50mm decentralized mount 61 kg For d&b audiotechnik The massive aluminium baseplate accommodates all subwoofers for d&b sereis T, Y and V and can be attached through eight additional holes on substructures. For NEXO STM/M and PS Series The baseplate BP1000 is designed for heavy subwoofers such as S118 and MSUB15. This baseplate is the coice for STM M46, M28, M10 and M6 line arrays. BP1000 also fits with the PS adapter head.