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H-OF Excellent Line ALPHA Baseplate BP650 for Nexo ID Series

Excellent Line ponúka perfektný balanc medzi čistým dizajnom a funkčnou technológiou pre prvotriednu atmosféru.

Nové Excellent Line Alpha boli špeciálne vyvinuté pre high-end entertainment sektor, robiac ich perfektnými doplnkami pre L-Acoustics reproduktory.

Excellent Line ALPHA Baseplate BP650 for Nexo ID Series
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The Excellent Line offers the perfect balance between purist design and functional technology for first-class atmosphere.

The new Excellent Line Alpha was specially developed for the high-end entertainment sector, making it the perfect complement to L-Acoustics loudspeakers.
Color: RAL 9005 650 x 550 x 10 mm decentralized mount 20 kg The BP650 is for the ID family and can accommodate a slim 50x50 mm column pipe, which matches with the ID Series. The baseplate BP650 accomodates the subwoofers ID S110, ID S210 (upright) and LS400.