Košík pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky
nákupný košík


Traverza MLT ONE je dopravným riešením pre vysokokvalitnú osvetľovaciu techniku.
Prepravné flightcase už nie sú potrebné, kabeláž je zavesená priamo v MLT ONE, čo výrazne skracuje časy nastavenia a demontáže.
Navyše je možné pohodlné stohovanie, čím sa ušetrí miesto.

Tu sú najdôležitejšie vlastnosti MLT ONE:

• Jednoduché skladovanie
• Stohovateľná preprava
• Ľahké

• Rúry: 48,3 x 4,5 mm
• Výstuže: 30 x 3 mm
• Materiál: hliník EN AW 6082 T6
• Farba čierna RAL 9005
• Dĺžky 1600/2400/3200mm

Na objednávku
na dopyt
do ponuky

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The MLT ONE from the HOFFORK system is not just a truss but a new possibility of working with truss and high-quality light equipment. The light equipment can already be hung and wired in the MLT ONE so you can save lots of time while assembly and disassembly. The MLT ONE gives you also decent transportation availability for your high quality light fixtures.

The MLT ONE is the transportation solution for high-quality lighting technology.
Additional transport cases are no longer needed, the cabling is directly suspended in the MLT ONE, which considerably reduces set-up and dismantling times.
In addition, convenient stacking is possible to save space.

Here are the most important features of the MLT ONE:

• Easy dolly storage
• Stackable transport
• Lightweight dolly

• Tube 48,3 x 4,5 mm
• Bracing 30 x 3 mm
• Material Aluminium EN AW 6082 T6
• Color black, RAL 9005