Košík pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky
nákupný košík


• BEZPEČNOSŤ: BATTEN HOIST vyhovuje všetkým bezpečnostným normám stanoveným medzinárodne uznávanými testovacími orgánmi VBG 70 a laboratórnymi normami UL. Tieto normy sú priamo spojené s bezpečnosťou závesných systémov namontovaných nad zhromaždením ľudí. Medzi bezpečnostné prvky zabudované do BATTEN HOIST patrí samonosný motor so šnekovým prevodom, ktorý zabraňuje spätnému navíjaniu v statickej polohe a je pri pohybe podporovaný brzdiacim systémom. Systém tiež obsahuje dva bezpečnostné mikrospínače, jeden pre horný limit plus ďalší núdzový bezpečnostný spínač a jeden pre spodný limit plus ďalší núdzový bezpečnostný spínač. Každé oceľové lano má snímače preťaženia a detekciu previsu.

• FLEXIBILITA: BATTEN HOIST môže byť špecifikovaný v dĺžkach od 6 metrov do 14,6 metra a môže uniesť bremená do 250 kg alebo až do 456 kg. Môže niesť buď konektorový pásik s až 12 – 20 ampérovými obvodmi a DMX alebo konektorový pásik s až 36 – 20 ampérovými obvodmi a DMX. Kladkostroj je ideálny na zdvíhanie... a spúšťanie osvetľovacích telies spolu s ich pridruženými obvodmi a stmievačmi v divadelných alebo architektonických aplikáciách, kde je potrebný dlhý rozsah s obvodmi. BATTEN HOIST môže poskytnúť až 48" dosku, koľajnicu alebo Unistrut na montáž divadelných alebo architektonických osvetľovacích nástrojov spolu s až 36 – 20 ampérovými obvodmi, DMX in/out, Ethernet, 3-fázovými obvodmi pre inteligentné svetlá alebo audio/ video zásuvky. Flexibilita, jednoduchosť inštalácie a dĺžka nosnej lišty z neho robí ideálny produkt pre javiskové alebo architektonické aplikácie. To platí najmä tam, kde je potrebné pokryť dlhé rozpätie. Napríklad na spúšťanie osvetlenia, kde je potrebných niekoľko okruhov a malé zaťaženie, ale s dlhými rozpätiami.

• MECHANICKÁ: Mechanická konštrukcia obsahuje štyri komponenty. Zavesený motorový priestor, ktorý obsahuje 1,8 kw motor (ľahká verzia) alebo 2,8 kw motor (ťažká verzia), svorky pre 3-fázové napájanie 208 V, riadiace obvody a svorky záťažového obvodu, ktoré napájajú buď jeden alebo dva skladacie podnosy (v závislosti od počtu obvodov), prenášajúce obvody ku konektorovej lište. Druhým prvkom je modul jednoriadkovej vychyľovacej kladky podopierajúci oceľové laná, pričom ich počet sa mení v závislosti od dĺžky laty. Tretím sú flip-flop zásobníky (systém vedenia káblov), ktoré prenášajú obvody ku konektorovej lište, ktorá zase podopiera potrubnú lištu, koľajnicu alebo Unistrut pre osvetľovacie prístroje. To umožňuje jednoduchú manipuláciu a rýchlu inštaláciu. Všetky hlavné komponenty sú vopred zapojené z výroby, takže inštalácia je jednoduchá. Vďaka špeciálnemu systému riadenia káblov je manipulácia s okruhom bremena úhľadná a ľahko ovládateľná, keď sa zdvihák zdvíha alebo spúšťa

• PREVÁDZKOVÝ: BATTEN HOIST kladkostroj je schopný zdvihnúť (SWL) bezpečné pracovné zaťaženie 250 kg alebo 456 kg plus vlastnú hmotnosť kladkostroja, ktorá bude založená na prepravnej vzdialenosti a zahrnutých voliteľných funkciách. . Maximálna dojazdová vzdialenosť je 40 stôp / 12 metrov. Špeciálne požiadavky na cestovnú vzdialenosť sú k dispozícii ako voliteľné príslušenstvo.

BATTEN HOIST De Sisti ponúka niekoľko jedinečných voliteľných funkcií:
1. Memorized Positioning Control si zapamätá a vyvolá polohu každého kladkostroja a zaznamená informácie do predvoľby.
2. DMX Up/Down a polohovacie ovládanie cez štandardnú riadiacu dosku osvetlenia alebo akýkoľvek DMX riadiaci systém
3. Tiché stmievače IGBT namontované v kladkostrojoch ako súčasť zdvíhacieho systému


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• SAFETY: The BATTEN HOIST (with Circuits) complies with all safety standards set forth by the Internationally recognized testing authorities of VBG 70 and by UL laboratories standards. These standards are directly associated with the safety of suspensions systems mounted above an assembly of people. The safety features incorporated into the BATTEN HOIST include, a self sustaining worm-geared set motor to prevent back winding in a static position and backed up by a breaking system when moving. The system also includes two safety micro switches, one for the top limit plus an extra emergency safety switch and one for the bottom limit plus an extra emergency safety switch. Each wire rope has overload sensors and slack line detection.
• FLEXIBILITY: The BATTEN HOIST can be specified in lengths from 20’ (6 meters) up to 48’ (14.6 meters) and can carry loads up 550 lbs (250kg) OR 1000 lbs (456 kg). The BATTEN HOIST (with Circuits) can carry either a connector strip with up to 12 – 20 amp circuits and DMX or a connector strip with up to 36 – 20 amp circuits and DMX. The hoist is ideal for the raising and lowering of lighting instruments along with their associated circuits and dimmers in a Theatrical or Architectural application where a long span with circuits is needed. The BATTEN HOIST can provide up to 48’ of pipe batten, Rail or Unistrut for mounting either Theatrical or Architectural lighting instruments along with up to 36 – 20amp circuits, DMX in /out, Ethernet, 3 phase circuits for intelligent lights, or audio/ video outlets. The flexibility, ease of installation and the length of the batten it carries, makes it an ideal product for STAGE or ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS. This is especially true, where a long span needs to be covered. For instance, for lowering HOUSELIGHT FIXTURES, where a few circuits are required and small loads but with long spans.<
• MECHANICAL: The mechanical design incorporates four components. A motor compartment, under hung from the steel, hou...ses a 1.8 kw motor (light duty version) or a 2.8 kw motor (heavy duty version),terminals for the 3 Phase 208 volt power feed, the control circuits and load circuit terminals that feed either one or two folding trays (depending on the number of circuits) that carry the circuits to a connector strip. The second element is a single line diverter pulley module supporting the wire ropes, the number varying depending on the length of the batten. The third are flip-flop trays (the cable management system) that carry the circuits to the connector strip, which in turn supports the pipe batten, rail or Unistrut for the lighting instruments. This allows for easily handling and quick installation. The main components are all pre-wired from the factory making the installation an easy task. The special cable management system makes the load circuit handling neat and easily managed when the hoist is raised or lowered
• OPERATIONAL: The BATTEN HOIST is capable of lifting a (SWL) safe working load of 550 lbs (250kg) or 1000 lbs (456 kg), plus the self weight of the hoist which will based on the travel distance and the optional features included. The maximum travel distance is 40 feet / 12 meters. Special travel distance requirements are available as an option.
• OPTIONAL FEATURES: The De Sisti BATTEN HOIST offers several unique optional features:
1. Memorized Positioning Control memorizes and recalls the position of each hoist and records the information into a preset.
2. DMX Up/Down and Positioning Control via a standard lighting control board or any DMX control system
3. IGBT Silent Dimmers mounted in the hoists as part of the hoist system

The Desisti Rigging and Automation STAGE HOIST shall be made up of three elements. The first element, the motor compartment shall be a completely self contained enclosure and house a motorized winch drive unit of monoblock design with dual cable lifting drums, limit and load sensing switches, and terminals for both the motor feed and control terminals. The second element is the diverter pulley section, which houses two diverter pulleys and the load terminals for load circuit connections. The third element is a connector strip and pipe batten combination that together forms a truss system to prevent any deflection between the lifting cables. The extruded aluminum connector strip shall house the outlets, circuit wiring and any accessory items such as DMX in/out, CAT 5 outlets, audio and video outlets or three phase outlets as specified. The pipe batten shall be 1.9-inch O.D. diameter schedule 40 pipe batten. The aluminum connector strip shall have three components that can separate high voltage and low voltage lines. The extruded Aluminum Connector strip exceeds ESTA deflection Standards by more than 13 times, the design and strength of the alloy allows for less then 7mm deflection at the mid-span of 25’ hoist. The combination of connector strip and lighting batten shall be for mounting lighting instruments and be sized to meet the job conditions from 10’ (3 meters) to 32’ (9.75 meters) as specified. This product shall be U.L. approved as a complete system. Other products that only incorporate a combination of U.L approved components, but are not specifically approved and tested as a complete working system shall not be accepted.
The motor assembly shall house a 1.8 Kw or 3.6 Kw 208 volt, 60 Hz 3-phase motor, integrated with a self sustaining worm-geared set to prevent back winding in a static position and backed up by a breaking system when the hoist is moving. The maximum torque shall be 616 Nm for the 550LB motor and 950Nm for the 1000LB motor, with permanent lubrication.
The average lifting speed shall be 30’ per minute. The SWL (safe working load) shall be 550 lbs (250 kg) for the Light Duty Version and 1000 lbs (456 kg) for the Heavy Duty Version. The maximum travel distance is 40’ (12 meters). It shall have four independent steel lifting cables 4mm in diameter, constructed in 7 groups of 19 wires, with a minimum breaking force on each wire rope of at least 1,200 kg / 2,400 lbs (light duty version) and 5mm in diameter, constructed in 7 groups of 19 wires, with a minimum breaking force on each wire rope of at least 2,000 kg / 4,400 lbs (heavy duty version).
Incorporated into the hoist system shall be cut out safety micro switches (double activated SPRINGLEVER type) for each cable line for slack line and overload detection, plus travel limit switches, one for the top with an extra safety switch and one bottom limit switch with an extra safety switch.

All circuit protection panel boards, three phase feed to the motors, control wiring and load circuit wiring to the hoist shall be by others. An emergency contactor panel should be supplied by Desisti Rigging and Automation.

The entire device must comply with all the safety standards as set forth by the internationally recognized testing authorized VBG 70 and carry the U.L. label showing that it is approved as a complete system.
There are several Control Options offered by De Sisti
• PBS Up /Down Control (push button system)
• DMX Up / Down Control as well as Positioning Control
• HMC (hoist manual control) with (optional) remote control.
• HDC System (hoist digital control) with manual back up and (optional) remote control.

There are several Control Options offered by De Sisti.

• Up /Down Push Button Control either PBS (Push Button Station) or HMC (Hoist Manual Control with optional remote control
• DMX Up / Down Control as well as Positioning Control
• HDC System (hoist digital control) with manual back up
• ICARUS Control System for (memory control of hoists and automated lighting)