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DeSisti Lite Mini Hoist

LITE MINI HOIST - najľahší a najkompaktnejší motorizovaný kladkostroj so zdvihom až do hmotnosti 90 kg.

1. Extrémne obmedzená vlastná hmotnosť 52 kg. (minimalizovanie zaťaženia stropu štúdia)
2. Kompaktná výška pri úplnom zatvorení 0,58 m. (maximalizácia využitia výšky štúdia)
3. Schopnosť zdvihnúť až 90 kg,čo je viac ako je potrebné na zdvihnutie 4 až 5 svietidiel.
4. Zabudovaná sieťová a DMX distribúcia na motorizovanom pohyblivom valci
5. Schopnosť sledovania na horizontálnom pláne, pre jemné nastavenie polohy svietidla, vrátane horizontálneho posúvanie zdvihu o 30° v každom smere

LITE MINI HOIST je produkt, ktorý umožňuje motorizovať vaše štúdio za dostupné náklady a poskytuje najlepšiu flexibilitu osvetľovacieho systému.

Lite Mini Hoist
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The LITE MINI HOIST is really the optimal answer to such a need, as it is offering:
1. An extremely contained Self Weight of 52 kg. (to minimize loading the Studio ceiling)
2. Compact height when fully closed of 0,58 m. (to maximize the use of the Studio height)
3. Ability to lift 90 kg. net, which is more than required to lift 4 to 5 lighting fixtures.
4. Built In Mains and DMX Distribution on the motorized moving barrel
5. Tracking ability on the horizontal plan, for fine adjustment of the Lighting Fixture position, including
6. Hoist horizontal Panning of 30° in each direction
7. Contained Pricing.

The LITE MINI HOIST is the product that makes it possible to motorized your studio at affordable costs and provide the best flexibility to the lighting system. Energy efficiency is also about being able to optimally position your lighting fixtures to obtain the best picture.

SAFETY: the Lite Mini Hoist complies with all safety standards set forth by the Internationally recognized testing authorities of TÜV to the German standards, the DIN 15560 part 46 standards, and by UL laboratories standards. These standards are directly associated with the safety of suspensions systems mounted above an assembly of people. The safety features incorporated into the Lite Mini Hoist include, a dynamic self sustaining worm-geared set motor with a with screw helix angle less than 4 degrees to prevent back winding in a dynamic or static position. Four independent stainless steel flat bands, with the breaking force of each band being 460 kg (948 kg for the EHD version). There are four Safety Micro Switches, one for the top limit plus an extra emergency safety switch and one for the bottom limit, plus an extra emergency safety switch. The Lite Mini Hoist has both overload and slack line detection on each band.

FLEXIBILITY: The Lite Mini Hoist is available in standard lengths of up to 10’ (3 meters), but longer versions are available on request. It is designed for either fixed po...sitions in Television, Stage or Architectural applications or as a Trackable Hoist System with the ability to be moved into the set area via a tracks mounted to the sub-structure and running the length of the studio. Because the Lite Mini Hoist overall height is only 30 inches, it is ideal for Studio’s with grid heights as low as 16 Feet. The Lite Mini Hoist can travel up to 15 meters, carry a wide combination of load circuits and retract to 30 inches. Using the Trackable Hoist System, not only can the hoists be moved into the set area but can also be angled to conform to the angle of the set pieces for improved lighting positions. Motorized tracking is also available.

MECHANICAL: the mechanical design incorporates three elements; a motor compartment and diverter pulley assembly pre-mounted to a D rail, a connector strip that houses the load circuits, and either a pipe batten or rail for hanging lighting instruments. The Lite Mini Hoist is pre-wired and pre- assembled from the factory making the installation an easy task. The special cable management system makes the load circuit handling neat and easily managed when the hoist is raised or lowered.

OPERATIONAL: the Lite Mini Hoist is capable of lifting a (SWL) safe working load of 90 kg. plus the self-weight of the hoist which is based on the travel distance and the optional features included. The maximum travel distance is 15 meters.

OPTIONAL FEATURES: the De Sisti Lite Mini Hoist offers several unique optional features:

• Positioning Control memorizes and recalls the position of each hoist recorded in preset.
• Speed and synchronized Group Control as an expansion of the Positioning Control system.
• DMX Up/Down and Positioning Control via a standard lighting control board or any DMX control system
• HDC Group control