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DeSisti ICARUS - Robotic System

• Integruje ovládanie polohy akéhokoľvek druhu motorizovaných závesných zariadení De Sisti a motorizovaných svietidiel pre SET OSVETLENIE
• Výrazne zvyšuje produktivitu štúdia, čo umožňuje vopred nahrať akékoľvek nastavenie osvetlenia a jednoducho ho kedykoľvek prehrať, čím sa vyhnete zastaveniu činnosti štúdia na hodiny, aby ste si znovu pripravili osvetlenie, keď dôjde k zmene programu.
• Motorizované osvetľovacie telesá sú úplne tiché a umožňujú jemné nastavenie počas nahrávania naživo
• Optimalizácia svetelnej techniky vďaka ľahkému umiestneniu svetelných zdrojov a závesných zariadení

• Modularita systému s jednoduchým výberom rôznych závesných zariadení a typov svietidiel ovládaných tou istou konzolou alebo ručným ovládaním
• Spoľahlivosť a jednoduchosť obsluhy vďaka plne redundantnej elektronike na rôznych úrovniach, digitálnemu protokolu tienenému proti šumu a elektromechanickým záložným systémom
• Vysoká presnosť polohovacieho čítacieho systému pre opakovateľnos...ť pri prehrávaní vopred nahraných pamätí

• Dotyková obrazovka s „3D“ vykresľovaním nastavených parametrov a parametrov osvetlenia v reálnom čase • Prednastavené a živé režimy
• Integrované ovládanie automatizovaného osvetlenia a vybavenia
• Ergonomické a objektovo orientované ovládanie
• Konzola Icarus 2000 je založená na platforme PC, aby spĺňala priemyselné štandardy a jednoduché zvyšovanie výkonu systému
• CPU je mozgom systému, ktorý zabezpečuje centrálne spracovanie informácií a údajov týkajúcich sa rozloženia štúdia, komunikačného protokolu, správy cue, 3D virtuálneho modelovania buď štúdia alebo nastavenia osvetlenia.
• Pracovný stôl je používateľské rozhranie, ktoré poskytuje displej a ovládacie nástroje implementované na plochom LCD a technológii dotykovej obrazovky
• Systém Icarus2000 je distribuovaný riadiaci systém založený na štandardných platformách z hľadiska hardvéru a operačných systémov pre konzoly, siete pre distribúciu dát a mikroprocesorov pre diaľkové ovládače
• Desktop Icarus2000 je pripojený k CPU Icarus2000 ako periférne vstupno/výstupné zariadenie pre jednoduchú zameniteľnosť


ICARUS - Robotic System
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• Integrates the positioning control of any kind of De Sisti motorized suspension devices and motorized luminaires for SET LIGHTING
• Increases of a great amount the studio productivity by permitting to pre-record any lighting setup and simply play it back at any time,avoiding to stop the studio activity for hours in order to re prepare the lighting when there is a program change.
• Motorized lighting fixtures are completely silent and permit fine adjustment while recording on live
• Optimization of the lighting technique thanks to ease of positioning of the light sources and suspension devices

• System modularity with easy assortment of different suspension device and luminaire types controlled by the same console or hand held
• Reliability and ease of operation thanks to fully redundant electronics at different levels, digital protocol shielded to noise and electromechanical back up systems
• High precision of positioning reading system for repeatability when playing back pre-recorded memories

• Touch screen with real-time ‘3D’ rendering of the set and illumination parameters • Preset and live modes
• Integrated control of automated lighting & Rigging Products
• Ergonomic and object oriented control
• The Icarus 2000 Console is based on PC Platform to meet industry standards and easy growing of system performances
• The CPU is the brain of the system providing the central processing of information and data concerning the studio layout, the communication protocol, the cue management, the 3D Virtual Modeling of either Studio or lighting setup
• The Desk is the user interface providing the display and the control tools implemented on a flat LCD and Touch Screen technology
• The Icarus2000 system is a distributed control system based on standard platforms in terms of hardware and operating systems for consoles, networking for data distribution and microprocessors for remote controllers
• The Icarus2000 desktop is connected to the Icarus2000 CPU as a peripheral Input/Output device for easy interchangebility...• Integrates the positioning control of any kind of De Sisti motorized suspension devices and motorized luminaires for SET LIGHTING
• Increases of a great amount the studio productivity by permitting to pre-record any lighting setup and simply play it back at any time,avoiding to stop the studio activity for hours in order to re prepare the lighting when there is a program change.
• Motorized lighting fixtures are completely silent and permit fine adjustment while recording on live
• Optimization of the lighting technique thanks to ease of positioning of the light sources and suspension devices

• System modularity with easy assortment of different suspension device and luminaire types controlled by the same console or hand held
• Reliability and ease of operation thanks to fully redundant electronics at different levels, digital protocol shielded to noise and electromechanical back up systems
• High precision of positioning reading system for repeatability when playing back pre-recorded memories

• Touch screen with real-time ‘3D’ rendering of the set and illumination parameters • Preset and live modes
• Integrated control of automated lighting & Rigging Products
• Ergonomic and object oriented control
• The Icarus 2000 Console is based on PC Platform to meet industry standards and easy growing of system performances
• The CPU is the brain of the system providing the central processing of information and data concerning the studio layout, the communication protocol, the cue management, the 3D Virtual Modeling of either Studio or lighting setup
• The Desk is the user interface providing the display and the control tools implemented on a flat LCD and Touch Screen technology
• The Icarus2000 system is a distributed control system based on standard platforms in terms of hardware and operating systems for consoles, networking for data distribution and microprocessors for remote controllers
• The Icarus2000 desktop is connected to the Icarus2000 CPU as a peripheral Input/Output device for easy interchangebility