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Moveket ECOlite Series

Reťazové kladkostroje spoločnosti ECOLITE spoločnosti Moveket boli vyvinuté pre použitie v mediálnych prostrediach.Sú výbornou voľbou, pokiaľ ide o bezpečné a spoľahlivé zdvíhanie a polohovanie nosníkov, stupňov, pozemných podporných konštrukcií a iných zariadení používaných v rámci javiskovej techniky.Napriek atraktívnej cenovej hladine si udržiava aj v základnej konfigurácii profesionálnu kvalita a prvotriedne bezpečnostné vybavenie.Päťnásobná bezpečnosť reťaze, ako aj vysokokvalitná prevodovka a efektívna jednosmerná brzda v kombinácii s patentovaným systémom preťaženia sú prirodzenými štandardnými vlastnosťami tejto série. Vodiaca lišta Basicplate zabezpečuje spoľahlivý pohyb reťaze a znižuje riziko uviaznutia reťaze. Sú mimoriadne ľahké a kompaktné a odporúčajú sa najmä pre použitie v obmedzených priestoroch.
Zdvíhaná hmotnosť :
• 320 kg
• 1000 kg
• 1600 kg
Rýchlosť zdvihu :
• 4 m/min
• 8 m/min
Zavesenie :
• oko
• hák
Reťaz :
• 18 m - čierma
• 18 m - strieborná
• 24 m - čierna
• 24 m - strieborná
Obchodná značka MOVECAT sa od roku 2023 mení na MOVEKET !


ECOlite Series
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Moveket’s ECOlite chain hoists were developed as economical rigging hoists for use in environments containing media equipment. They are the first choice when it comes to the safe and reliable hoisting and positioning of trusses, stages, ground support structures and other devices used in media applications. Despite the attractive price point, even in the basic configuration great importance has been attached to professional quality and first-class safety equipment.
Five-fold safety for the chain as well as a high-quality transmission and an efficient DC brake in combination with a patented overload system, naturally, are standard features of this series. The Basicplate chain guide ensures reliable chain transmission and reduces the risk of the chain jamming. The hoists are exceptionally light as well as compact and are recommended in particular for applications where space is limited.
All hoists can be used without conversion either as ECOlite - En 01.2016 climbers or in the standard installation position, and most models can be converted to dual chainfall operation to increase their safe working loads. ECOlite hoists are supplied as standard with 18 m or 24 m hoisting capacity, a singlehole suspension eyelet, two robust handels, a permanently installed textile chain bag, screwed cable glands with 360° anti-kink protection, DC versions with an H07RN-F connector cable with a black CEE 4-pin plug and RC versions with a black CEE 4-pin plug for power and a yellow CEE 4-pin plug for remote control. The hoists are available in both DC (direct control 400 V AC) and RC (remote control/ low-voltage 24 V DC) versions and are CE-compliant, tested, and ready for operation at the time of delivery.
The chain hoists are designed for operation with Movecat phase-changing controllers in accordance with DIN 60204- 32 and EN 13849-1 and when used accordingly are certified as CE compliant provided the instructions set out in the user manual are adhered to. A UVV specialist factory inspection prior to first use for mobile applications as well as the VDE 0701/0702 first inspection are also included.

The MOVECAT brand has changed to the MOVEKET brand since 2023!...Moveket’s ECOlite chain hoists were developed as economical rigging hoists for use in environments containing media equipment. They are the first choice when it comes to the safe and reliable hoisting and positioning of trusses, stages, ground support structures and other devices used in media applications. Despite the attractive price point, even in the basic configuration great importance has been attached to professional quality and first-class safety equipment.
Five-fold safety for the chain as well as a high-quality transmission and an efficient DC brake in combination with a patented overload system, naturally, are standard features of this series. The Basicplate chain guide ensures reliable chain transmission and reduces the risk of the chain jamming. The hoists are exceptionally light as well as compact and are recommended in particular for applications where space is limited.
All hoists can be used without conversion either as ECOlite - En 01.2016 climbers or in the standard installation position, and most models can be converted to dual chainfall operation to increase their safe working loads. ECOlite hoists are supplied as standard with 18 m or 24 m hoisting capacity, a singlehole suspension eyelet, two robust handels, a permanently installed textile chain bag, screwed cable glands with 360° anti-kink protection, DC versions with an H07RN-F connector cable with a black CEE 4-pin plug and RC versions with a black CEE 4-pin plug for power and a yellow CEE 4-pin plug for remote control. The hoists are available in both DC (direct control 400 V AC) and RC (remote control/ low-voltage 24 V DC) versions and are CE-compliant, tested, and ready for operation at the time of delivery.
The chain hoists are designed for operation with Movecat phase-changing controllers in accordance with DIN 60204- 32 and EN 13849-1 and when used accordingly are certified as CE compliant provided the instructions set out in the user manual are adhered to. A UVV specialist factory inspection prior to first use for mobile applications as well as the VDE 0701/0702 first inspection are also included.

The MOVECAT brand has changed to the MOVEKET brand since 2023!