RIGGATEC 400201365 - Čierna kruhová slučka "Steelflex" obvod 2 m, nosnosť 1 t
• Mimoriadne robustné • Nie je potrebná žiadna sekundárna bezpečnosť • Vysoká flexibilita • Označenie produktu tkanou dĺžkou a nosnosťou • 5-násobná bezpečnosť • Vysoká odolnosť proti prerezaniu • Praktické kontrolné okienko pre údržbu • Certifikácia DIN (DIN EN 1492-2, 13414-1 a 13414-3.) • Aplikácia podľa DGUV17 (BGVC-1): 500 kg
The Riggatec Steelflex cinsisting of high-performance polyester fibres and galvanized steel cable inserts are manufactured in accordance with DIN EN 1492-2, 13414-1 and 13414-3. The high quality workmanship and extremely high load capacity make them particularly safe.They are multifunctional for a wide variety of transport and lifting applications, e.g. in event technology, exhibition constructions or for load securing. The lightweight round slings are easy to use and are practically invisible due to the black double-walled sheath.In addition, the Riggatec Steelflex are extremely robust since the inner, endlessly laid steel cables are sheated with a polyester... fabric that is heat-resistant up to 150°C. The Riggatec Steelflex are more durable and versatile than conventional round slings and meet the DGUV17 (BGVC-1) requirements, which means that additional secondary protection is no longer necessary.A viewing window is installed for maintenance and material inspection of the Riggatec Steelflex to always guarantee the highest level of usability and safety.