Košík pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky
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Martin JEM AF-1 MkII

JEM AF-1 MkII je kompaktný vetrák priemyselného štandardu, ktorý nastavuje nové latky pre efektové vetráky. JEM AF-1 MkII je viac responzívny a ešte viac všestranný než jeho predchodca AF-1. 12” uzavretý osový motor s nastaviteľnou rýchlosťou, AF-1 je responzívny aj na nízkych rýchlostiach a veľmi tichý, iba 70 dBA na najvyššej rýchlosti. AF-1 MkII má integrovaný DMX, alebo s použitím pribaleného diaľkového ovládača, ide o ideálny vetrák pre široký rozsah indoorových aj outdoorových využití od túr a javísk po zábavné parky, výletné lode a ešte viac.

Integrované DMX a pribalené diaľkové ovládanie.
Okamžité zapínanie
Iba 70 dBA na maximálnych otáčkach.

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The JEM AF-1 MkII is Martin's industry-standard compact fan which sets the benchmark for effect fans. The JEM AF-1 MkII is more responsive and even more versatile than its original predecessor the AF-1. Using a 12” sealed axial motor, with variable speed, the AF-1 is responsive even at low speeds while remaining silent, only producing 70 dBA at maximum speed. The AF-1 MkII has integrated DMX or by using the included remote control to control, it is the ideal fan for a large variety of indoor or outdoor applications from touring and stage to theme parks, cruise ships and much more.

Integrated DMX and included remote control
Instant On
Low noise, 70 dBA at maximum output
12” Sealed motor – resists moisture
Variable speed range and control
Instant On
Low minimum speed
Integrated DMX
Included analog timer remote control
Reduced motor noise at low speeds, 70 dBA at maximum
Floor standing or truss mounting
Broad regulatory compliance

Width: 320 mm (12.6 in.)
Width with multi-function bracket: 397 mm (15.6 in.)
Height: 350 mm (13.8 in.)
Height with multi-function bracket: 407 mm (16.0 in.)
Depth: 176 mm (6.9 in.)
Weight: 8.5 kg (18.7 lb.)

Maximum airflow: 1815 m3 (65,000 ft3 ) hour
CFM: 1083 CFM
Fan speed: 200-2500 rpm
Maximum noise level: 70 dBA

Control options: Included analog timer remote control, DMX, test switch
Control parameters: Instant or timer-controlled output
Fan: Variable output, 0-100%
Remote cable: 3-pin XLR, includes 3 m (9.8 ft.), maximum length 50m (164 ft.)
DMX channels: 1
DMX compliance: ANSI E1.11 - USITT DMX512-A

Housing: Steel
Color: Black
Fan motor: 12” Sealed axial
Multi-function bracket: Integrated yoke w/safety attachment point

Mounting: Floor or hanging
Orientation: Any
Minimum clearance around machine: 101 mm (4 in.)

AC Power, EU: IEC male inlet, C14
AC Power, US: Hardwired mains, 3 m (9.8 ft.), NEMA 5-15P
DMX in/out: 3- and 5-pin locking XLR
Remote control: 3-pin locking XLR

EU Model:
AC Power: 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Fuse: 5 AT (slow-blow), 250 V
Typical power and current: 120 W, 0
.53 A*

US Version:
AC Power: 100-130 V, 50/60 Hz
Fuse: 3.15 AT (slow blow), 125 V
Typical power and current: 175 W, 1.48 A*

*Measurements made at nominal voltage. Allow for a deviation of +/- 10%.

Maximum ambient temperature (Ta max.): 55° C (131° F)
Minimum ambient temperature (Ta min.): 0° C (32° F)

EU safety: EN 60 335-1
EU EMC: EN 61000-6-3, EN 62233
EU immunity: EN 61000-6-1
US safety: UL 507
Canadian safety: CSA C22.2 No 113
Australia/NZ: RCM (pending)
United Kingdom: UKCA

Analog timer remote control, 3 m (9.8 ft.) cable: P/N M55765042
Power input cable, EU, IEC C13 female, stripped ends, 1.5 m (4.9 ft.): P/N 11501012
Multi-function bracket and hardware

G-clamp: P/N 91602003
Half-coupler clamp: P/N 91602005
Quick trigger clamp (vertical hanging suspension only): P/N 91602007
Safety cable, SWL 60 kg, BGV C1/ DGUV 17, black: P/N 91604006
Safety Cable, SWL 60 kg, BGV C1 / DGUV 17, silver: P/N 91604007
Epsilon 5 AVR Programmer: P/N 50502004

JEM™ AF1 MkII, US: P/N 92615110
JEM™ AF1 MkII, EU: P/N 92615010