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CLAYPAKY Sharpy Plus Aqua

SHARPY PLUS AQUA je rotačná hlava s krytím IP66 ideálna pre vonkajšie akcie, turné, trvalé inštalácie atď.Zachováva si rovnaké výkonové vlastnosti ako jeho predchodca - Sharpy Plus v novom prevedení odolnom voči poveternostným vplyvom,pričom poskytuje však väčšiu flexibilitu.

Pri navrhovaní rotačnej hlavy odolnej voči poveternostným vplyvom sa často obetuje výkon a funkcie. Nie však so svetlom SHARPY PLUS AQUA.
Chladiaci systém bol prepracovaný a optimalizovaný špeciálne pre túto novú vonkajšiu konfiguráciu pre žiarivku Osram Sirius HRI® 330W X8, ktorá sa v súčasnosti používa v svietidle Sharpy Plus.Táto lampa je osvedčená vo svojej spoľahlivosti, výkone a konzistentnosti jasu aj teploty farieb.

Rovnako ako Sharpy Plus, aj svietidlo SHARPY PLUS AQUA ponúka dva odlišné prevádzkové režimy – beam alebo spot. Zoom 3° až 36° pokrýva celý rozsah zoomu lineárne s beam, ktorý je vždy dokonale ostrý a rovnomerný v oboch režimoch. SHARPY PLUS AQUA ponúka rovnaký doplnok prizmy, rotačných a statických... gob, farebných kolies, miešania farieb CMY a ďalšie. Takže, ak potrebujete použiť Sharpy Plus aj SHARPY PLUS AQUA môžete si byť istí konzistentným vzhľadom a výkonom týchto svietidiel.

• Pohyblivá hlava do exteriéru (krytie IP66)
• Zdroj: Osram Sirius HRI® 330W X8 oblúková lampa
• Dva režimy projekcie: Beam a Spot
• 3°- 36° lineárne priblíženie v oboch režimoch
• CMY miešanie farieb | 15 farieb na 3 kolesách | 2 CTO filtre
• Rotujúce Gobo Wheel: 8 sklenených gob
• Statické Gobo Wheel: 18 statických Gobo (vrátane 6 redukcií lúča)
• Rotačná 4-fazetová prizma na vyhradenom kanáli
• Rotačná 8-fazetová prizma na vyhradenom kanáli
• Animačné koleso
• Lineárny frost filter s mäkkým okrajom
• Stmievanie a zastavenie/strobo


Sharpy Plus Aqua
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The powerfully bright IP66 Sharpy Plus that is not afraid to play in the rain

Designed in the spirit of the award-winning Sharpy Plus platform, the SHARPY PLUS AQUA luminaire is an IP66-rated moving head fixture perfect for outdoor events, touring, permanent installations, cruise ships, and much more. This new fixture maintains the same performance features of its predecessor, the Sharpy Plus luminaire, in a new weather-resistant package; giving you greater flexibility in a single luminaire.

When designing a weather-resistant moving light, performance and features are often sacrificed. Not with the SHARPY PLUS AQUA luminaire. Claypaky addressed and enhanced the design of the SHARPY PLUS AQUA in critical areas to make sure this fixture maintains the brightness, efficiency, and performance you need and expect.

The cooling system was redesigned and optimized specifically for this new outdoor configuration for the Osram Sirius HRI® 330W X8 lamp currently used in the Sharpy Plus fixture. This lamp is a proven performer in its reliability, output, and being consistent in both brightness and colour temperature.

Just like the Sharpy Plus, the SHARPY PLUS AQUA fixture offers two distinct operating modes – beam or spot. The 3° to 36° zoom covers the entire zoom range linearly with a beam that is always perfectly sharp and uniform in either mode. The SHARPY PLUS AQUA offers the same complement of prisms, rotating and static gobos, colour wheels, CMY colour mixing, and more. So, if you need to use both the Sharpy Plus and SHARPY PLUS AQUA on a production, you can be assured of a consistent look and performance from these fixtures.

The SHARPY PLUS AQUA is also an appealing unit when you consider the value. At a price point every rental company will appreciate, you can take home a light with truly excellent performance, which you can use in a wide range of environments and entertainment venues, whether your requirements are for a beam or spot fixture, for indoor or outdoor applications....The powerfully bright IP66 Sharpy Plus that is not afraid to play in the rain

Designed in the spirit of the award-winning Sharpy Plus platform, the SHARPY PLUS AQUA luminaire is an IP66-rated moving head fixture perfect for outdoor events, touring, permanent installations, cruise ships, and much more. This new fixture maintains the same performance features of its predecessor, the Sharpy Plus luminaire, in a new weather-resistant package; giving you greater flexibility in a single luminaire.

When designing a weather-resistant moving light, performance and features are often sacrificed. Not with the SHARPY PLUS AQUA luminaire. Claypaky addressed and enhanced the design of the SHARPY PLUS AQUA in critical areas to make sure this fixture maintains the brightness, efficiency, and performance you need and expect.

The cooling system was redesigned and optimized specifically for this new outdoor configuration for the Osram Sirius HRI® 330W X8 lamp currently used in the Sharpy Plus fixture. This lamp is a proven performer in its reliability, output, and being consistent in both brightness and colour temperature.

Just like the Sharpy Plus, the SHARPY PLUS AQUA fixture offers two distinct operating modes – beam or spot. The 3° to 36° zoom covers the entire zoom range linearly with a beam that is always perfectly sharp and uniform in either mode. The SHARPY PLUS AQUA offers the same complement of prisms, rotating and static gobos, colour wheels, CMY colour mixing, and more. So, if you need to use both the Sharpy Plus and SHARPY PLUS AQUA on a production, you can be assured of a consistent look and performance from these fixtures.

The SHARPY PLUS AQUA is also an appealing unit when you consider the value. At a price point every rental company will appreciate, you can take home a light with truly excellent performance, which you can use in a wide range of environments and entertainment venues, whether your requirements are for a beam or spot fixture, for indoor or outdoor applications.

• Moving head fixture for outdoors (IP66 protection rating) • Source: Osram Sirius HRI® 330W X8 arc lamp • Two projection modes: Beam and Spot • 3°- 36° linear zoom in both modes • CMY colour mixing | 15 colours on 3 wheels | 2 CTO filters • Rotating Gobo Wheel: 8 glass gobos • Static Gobo Wheel: 18 static gobos (including 6 beam reducers) • Rotating 4-facet prism on dedicated channel • Rotating 8-facet prism on dedicated channel • Animation Wheel • Linear, soft edge frost filter • Dimmer and stop/strobe