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MAC One - nový štandard pre kompaktné pohyblivé hlavy firmy MARTIN.
Revolučné zariadenie Beam, Wash a Eye-Candy s Fresnelovou šošovkou, ktorá premení akúkoľvek scénu alebo udalosť na mimoriadny vizuálny zážitokú. Kompaktné, ľahké a vysoko všestranné MAC One definuje novú triedu výkonného osvetlenia.

MAC One vyniká v troch výkonných oblastiach:
1/ jeho úzky lúč s vysokou intenzitou má rovnakú silu ako väčšie a ťažšie zariadenia, čo umožňuje robustné a živé vzdušné efekty.
2/ohromujúca Fresnelova šošovka vytvára jemný wash s rozsahom priblíženia od 4 do 27 stupňov, čím poskytuje plynulé prechody a pútavé vizuálne efekty.
3/robustnú sadu funkcií dopĺňa inovatívny systém podsvietenia s 24 RGB efektovými LED diódami v šošovke, ktoré zaručujú nezabudnuteľné a ohromujúce vizuálne zážitky.

S pôsobivým výkonom 2 500 lm a úzkou intenzitou lúča 375 000 cd nemá MAC One vo svojej kategórii konkurenciu. Poháňaný na mieru vyvinutým 120 W RGBL (červená, zelená, modrá, limetková) LED pohonom za...isťuje vyššiu kvalitu svetla (CRI, TM-30, TLCI) ako tradičné RGBW svietidlá, čo je príťažlivé pre náročných svetelných technikov.

MAC One vyniká oproti konkurenčným zariadeniam tým, že poskytuje inovatívnu kombináciu funkcií v neuveriteľne kompaktnom a nízkom prevedení.

Pre dodatočnú všestrannosť je možné MAC One použiť aj s blokovacím systémom príslušenstva pôvodne vytvoreným pre produkty Martin's VDO Atomic. Príslušenstvo Martin fourbar a matrix môže byť tiež použité na ďalšie rozšírenie jeho dizajnového potenciálu a uľahčenie nasadenia veľkého množstva. MAC One môže byť riadený s DMX, Art-Net, sACN a Martin P3 riadiacimi systémami pre bezproblémovú integráciu do akéhokoľvek nastavenia osvetlenia.


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Setting a new standard for compact moving heads, MAC One is a revolutionary Beam, Wash and Eye-Candy fixture, featuring a captivating Fresnel lens that transforms any stage or event into an extraordinary visual spectacle. Compact, lightweight, and highly versatile, MAC One defines a new compact class of performance lighting.

MAC One excels in three powerful feature areas. First, its narrow, high-intensity beam packs the same punch as larger, heavier fixtures to enable robust and vibrant aerial effects. Next, its stunning Fresnel lens creates a soft wash with a 4 to 27-degree zoom range, delivering seamless transitions and engaging visual effects. Rounding out the robust feature-set is an innovative backlight system with 24 RGB effect LEDs within the lens to guarantee memorable and show-stopping visual experiences.

With an impressive output of 2,500 lm and a narrow beam intensity of 375,000 cd, MAC One's performance is unparalleled in its category. Powered by a custom-developed 120 W RGBL (Red, Green, Blue, Lime) LED engine, it ensures higher light quality (CRI, TM-30, TLCI) than traditional RGBW fixtures, appealing to discerning lighting designers.

MAC One stands out against competing fixtures by delivering an innovative combination of features in an incredibly compact and low-weight form-factor. The fixture is easy to handle and manage, opening up a world of creative possibilities for lighting designers and users. More fixtures can be used in a show without compromising weight or space limitations, resulting in lower transport costs and a significant return on investment for rental companies.

For additional versatility, MAC One can also be used with the interlocking accessory system originally created for Martin’s VDO Atomic products. Martin fourbar and matrix accessories can also be used to further extend its design potential and ease large quantity deployment. MAC One can be driven with DMX, Art-Net, sACN, and Martin P3 control systems for seamless integration into any lighting setup....Setting a new standard for compact moving heads, MAC One is a revolutionary Beam, Wash and Eye-Candy fixture, featuring a captivating Fresnel lens that transforms any stage or event into an extraordinary visual spectacle. Compact, lightweight, and highly versatile, MAC One defines a new compact class of performance lighting.

MAC One excels in three powerful feature areas. First, its narrow, high-intensity beam packs the same punch as larger, heavier fixtures to enable robust and vibrant aerial effects. Next, its stunning Fresnel lens creates a soft wash with a 4 to 27-degree zoom range, delivering seamless transitions and engaging visual effects. Rounding out the robust feature-set is an innovative backlight system with 24 RGB effect LEDs within the lens to guarantee memorable and show-stopping visual experiences.

With an impressive output of 2,500 lm and a narrow beam intensity of 375,000 cd, MAC One's performance is unparalleled in its category. Powered by a custom-developed 120 W RGBL (Red, Green, Blue, Lime) LED engine, it ensures higher light quality (CRI, TM-30, TLCI) than traditional RGBW fixtures, appealing to discerning lighting designers.

MAC One stands out against competing fixtures by delivering an innovative combination of features in an incredibly compact and low-weight form-factor. The fixture is easy to handle and manage, opening up a world of creative possibilities for lighting designers and users. More fixtures can be used in a show without compromising weight or space limitations, resulting in lower transport costs and a significant return on investment for rental companies.

For additional versatility, MAC One can also be used with the interlocking accessory system originally created for Martin’s VDO Atomic products. Martin fourbar and matrix accessories can also be used to further extend its design potential and ease large quantity deployment. MAC One can be driven with DMX, Art-Net, sACN, and Martin P3 control systems for seamless integration into any lighting setup.

//LIGHT SOURCE: • Light Engine: Custom in-house developed 120 W RGBL (Red, Green, Blue, Lime) LED offering higher light quality (CRI, TM-30, TLCI) than RGBW. • Lumen Output: 2400 lm • Intensity: 300,000 cd in narrow beam //OPTICS: • Zoom: 4 to 27 degrees zoom • 150 mm Fresnel lens • 24 RGB backlight LEDs //CONSTRUCTION: • Weight: 4.4 kg / 9.7 lbs. • Weather rating: IP20-rated //CONTROL • DMX, Art-Net, sACN & Martin P3 control. • Battery-powered display for setup and configuration. //INSTALLATION: • Single omega bracket attachment • M12 threaded holes for direct clamp attachment or attachment to four-bar accessory • Optional four-bar accessory • Optional grid mount ring accessory