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CLAYPAKY Arolla Profile HP

Arolla Profile HP od Claypaky je navrhnutý tak, aby splnil tieto potreby vďaka svojmu výnimočnému svetelnému výkonu a funkciám za prekvapivo dostupnú cenu.
Vďaka 1200-wattovému bielemu LED motoru jednou z najvýkonnejších pohyblivých hláv LED Profile na trhu. LED pohon produkuje 52 000 lumenov, lúč je plochý a rovnomerný, vďaka čomu sú projekcie ostré a farby bohaté. Toto zariadenie sa môže pochváliť veľmi rozsiahlym sortimentom funkcií: zoom 5,8°-50,5°, miešanie farieb CMY, šesťfarebné koliesko vrátane filtra na zlepšenie CRI, lineárne CTO, šesť rotujúcich gob, sedem pevných gob, animačný disk, 4 -fazetová otočná prizma, systém Claypakyho rámovania na štyroch ohniskových rovinách a ovládanie makro kanálov, 16-lamelová clona, ​​filtre s jemným okrajom,flood frost, 24-bitový digitálny dimmer a rýchly digitálny stop-stroboskopický efekt. Všetky gobá sú vyrobené z dichroického skla s vysokým rozlíšením. Môžu byť zamieňané a morfované medzi sebou a animačným kolieskom, aby ste vytvorili nové a vzrušujúc...e textúry. Arolla Profile HP má niekoľko prevádzkových režimov s nízkou hlučnosťou (1200 – 800 – 600 – tichý – divadlo), takže jednotku môžete používať prakticky kdekoľvek.

Jednou zo základných vlastností, na ktoré sa Claypaky pri vytváraní tohto svietidla zameral, bolo výrazné zmenšenie veľkosti svietidla. Pri porovnaní Arolla Profile HP so svietidlami v tejto triede ide o jednu z najkompaktnejších dostupných pohyblivých hláv LED Profile, ale s jedným z najvýkonnejších a najvýkonnejších LED motorov. Okrem agilných pohybov a výkonnej sady funkcií prináša toto kompaktné zariadenie niekoľko výhod pre požičovne, pokiaľ ide o údržbu, prepravu, celkové náklady na vlastníctvo a ďalšie. Arolla Profile HP ponúka oveľa rýchlejšiu návratnosť investície ako kedykoľvek predtým.

Arolla Profile HP má sadu funkcií, aby sa stal hlavným svetlom pre každú show. Bol navrhnutý tak, aby spĺňal potreby funkcií a veľkosti s bezkonkurenčným pomerom výkon/cena.

• Svetelný zdroj: Vlastný 1200W biely LED motor (52 000 lúmenov v integračnej guli)
• Lineárny zoom 5,8°- 50,5°
• 16-bitové miešanie farieb CMY
• Lineárny CTO
• 6-farebné koliesko (obsahuje vyhradený filter na zlepšenie CRI)
• 6 HD vymeniteľných rotačných gob
• 7 HD vymeniteľných pevných gob
• Animačné koliesko
• 4-fazetová otočná prizma
• 16-lamelová iris
• Rámovací systém: 4 ohniskové roviny, 60° rotácia a ovládanie makro kanála
• Light frost 1° pre jemné rozptýlenie + strong frost 5° pre wash efekt
• 24-bitový digitálny stmievač
• Digitálny stop-stroboskopický efekt
• Prevádzkové režimy s nízkou hlučnosťou


Arolla Profile HP
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Lighting designers face a sea of moving head fixtures that seem virtually the same but lack the output and features they need. Rental companies need fixtures that offer a wide range of features that will provide a sooner than later return on their investment. The Claypaky Arolla Profile HP is designed to address these needs with its exceptional light output and features at a surprisingly affordable price.

With its custom designed 1200-Watt white LED engine, the Arolla Profile HP is one of the most powerful LED Profile moving heads on the market. The LED engine produces 52,000 lumens and the Arolla Profile HP fixture’s beam is flat and uniform making projections crisp and colours rich. This fixture boasts a very comprehensive assortment of features: a 5.8°-50.5° zoom, CMY colour mixing, a six-colour wheel including a CRI enhancement filter, linear CTO, six rotating gobos, seven fixed gobos, an animation disc, a four-facet rotating prism, a Claypaky framing system on four focal planes and macro channel control, a 16-blade iris, soft edge and flood frost filters, a 24-bit digital dimmer, and a fast digital stop-strobe effect. All the gobos are made of high-definition dichroic glass. They can be swapped and morphed with each other and the animation wheel to create new and exciting textures. The Arolla Profile HP has several low noise operating modes (1200 – 800 – 600 – Silent – Theatre) so you can use the unit virtually anywhere.

One of the essential features Claypaky targeted when creating this fixture was a significant reduction of the fixture’s size. Comparing the Arolla Profile HP to fixtures in this class, it is one of the most compact LED Profile Moving heads available but with one of the highest wattage and output LED engines. In addition to agile movements and a powerful feature set, this compact fixture leads to several benefits for rental firms in terms of maintenance, transportation, overall cost of ownership, and more. The Arolla Profile HP offers a much quicker return of investment than ever seen before.

The Arolla Profile HP has the feature set to be the go-to light for any show. It was designed to meet the features and size needs with an unmatched performance/price ratio....Lighting designers face a sea of moving head fixtures that seem virtually the same but lack the output and features they need. Rental companies need fixtures that offer a wide range of features that will provide a sooner than later return on their investment. The Claypaky Arolla Profile HP is designed to address these needs with its exceptional light output and features at a surprisingly affordable price.

With its custom designed 1200-Watt white LED engine, the Arolla Profile HP is one of the most powerful LED Profile moving heads on the market. The LED engine produces 52,000 lumens and the Arolla Profile HP fixture’s beam is flat and uniform making projections crisp and colours rich. This fixture boasts a very comprehensive assortment of features: a 5.8°-50.5° zoom, CMY colour mixing, a six-colour wheel including a CRI enhancement filter, linear CTO, six rotating gobos, seven fixed gobos, an animation disc, a four-facet rotating prism, a Claypaky framing system on four focal planes and macro channel control, a 16-blade iris, soft edge and flood frost filters, a 24-bit digital dimmer, and a fast digital stop-strobe effect. All the gobos are made of high-definition dichroic glass. They can be swapped and morphed with each other and the animation wheel to create new and exciting textures. The Arolla Profile HP has several low noise operating modes (1200 – 800 – 600 – Silent – Theatre) so you can use the unit virtually anywhere.

One of the essential features Claypaky targeted when creating this fixture was a significant reduction of the fixture’s size. Comparing the Arolla Profile HP to fixtures in this class, it is one of the most compact LED Profile Moving heads available but with one of the highest wattage and output LED engines. In addition to agile movements and a powerful feature set, this compact fixture leads to several benefits for rental firms in terms of maintenance, transportation, overall cost of ownership, and more. The Arolla Profile HP offers a much quicker return of investment than ever seen before.

The Arolla Profile HP has the feature set to be the go-to light for any show. It was designed to meet the features and size needs with an unmatched performance/price ratio.

• Light Source: Custom 1200W white LED engine (52,000-lumen output in integrating sphere) • 5.8°- 50.5° linear zoom • 16-bit CMY Color Mixing • Linear CTO • 6-color wheel (includes a dedicated CRI enhancement filter) • 6 HD interchangeable rotating gobos • 7 HD interchangeable fixed gobos • Animation wheel • 4-facet rotating prism • 16-blade iris • Framing System: 4 focal planes, 60° rotation and macro channel control • Light frost 1° for soft diffusion + Heavy frost 5° for wash effect • 24-bit digital dimmer • Digital stop-strobe effect • Low noise operating modes