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Martin MAC Encore Wash CLD

Navrhnutý tak, aby produkoval bohaté farby a prémiové biele svetlo v najrôznejších aplikáciách, kde je kritická kvalita svetla. MAC Encore ™ Wash CLD je alternatívou LED k MAC Viper Wash DX. Rotačná hlavou ponúka jedinečné 6000 K krehké, neutrálne denné svetlo a zdvojnásobuje ho ako moderná náhrada za generické svietidlá  ako sú napr. Fresnelové svietidlá na báze HMI s ďalšou výhodou miešania farieb a pohybu.
 • Bezkonkurenčná kvalita 6000 K studeného bieleho svetla
• Žiadna zmena teploty farieb počas priblíženia a stmievania.
• Prevádzka bez blikania – frekvencia ovládača LED vhodná pre všetky aplikácie (TV,film a pod.)
• Whisper-silent—spája konvekčné a nútené chladenie vzduchom s užívateľsky voliteľným výstupom vs. ovládaním hladiny zvuku.
• Plne elektronické ovládanie dimmera/spúšte s rôznymi krivkami stmievania a emuláciou volfrámového červeného posunu.
• Miešanie živých farieb CMY s vynikajúcou paletou farieb od bohatých, nasýtených základných farieb až po svetlé a hl...adké pastelové odtiene.
• Variabilné CTO – ovládanie CCT od denného svetla po volfrám a rozšírenie palety CMY
• Farebné koliesko — 6 vymeniteľných dichroických filtrov
• Fresnelova šošovka: zoom 1:4 – presné, tiché a rýchle priblíženie.
• PC objektív (voliteľný): 1:5 zoom — presné, tiché a rýchle priblíženie.
• Vnútorný systém barndoor s dvoma lamelami a clonou. Lamely uzávierky sa môžu prekrývať pre úplné zatemnenie a celý systém sa otáča o +/- 100°. Opakuje podnety s veľkou presnosťou.
• Presná a pevná clona s nastaviteľnými dynamickými efektmi.
• Animotion™ FX System – Makrá s interným stmievacím efektom pre úžasné 3D efekty vo vzduchu a projekčné efekty.
• Super presný a tichý pohyb a polohovanie pan/tilt vďaka technológii 3-fázového krokového motora a absolútnej kontrole polohy.
• Kompaktná veľkosť – D: 452 x Š: 480 x V: 745 mm
• Nízka hmotnosť - 28,5 kg
90234040 - polystyrén.obal (EPS)90234045 - SiP obal90234050 - biele prevedenie


MAC Encore Wash CLD
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Designed to produce rich color and premium white light in a wide variety of applications where light quality is critical, the MAC Encore™ Wash CLD is an LED-based alternative to the MAC Viper Wash DX. The feature-packed soft edge moving head offers unparalleled 6000 K crisp, neutral daylight, and doubles as a modern replacement for generic fixtures like HMI based Fresnel fixtures, with the additional benefit of color mixing and movement.


• Pure white LED engine with 6000 K CCT.
• No color temperature variation during zoom and dimming.
• Flicker-free operation—LED driver frequency suitable for all camera applications.
• Whisper-silent—Combines convection and forced air cooling with user-selectable output vs. sound level control.
• Fully electronic dimmer/shutter control with various dimming curves and tungsten red-shift emulation.
• Vibrant CMY color mixing with a superior palette of colors ranging from rich, saturated primary colors to light and smooth pastel shades.
• Variable CTO—daylight to tungsten CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette that stays true to the black body curve.
• Color wheel—6 interchangeable dichroic filters + open.
• Fresnel lens: 1:4 zoom—precise, silent and fast zoom.
• PC lens (optional): 1:5 zoom—precise, silent and fast zoom.
• Internal barndoor system with two shutter blades and iris. Shutter blades can overlap for full blackout and the entire system rotates +/- 100°. Repeats cues with great precision.
• Precise and tight iris with adjustable dynamic effects.
• Animotion™ FX System—Internal dimming effect macros for stunning 3D mid-air and projection effects.
• Super precise and silent pan/tilt movement and positioning due to 3-phase stepper motor technology and absolute position monitoring.
• Compact size—L: 452 x W: 480 x H: 745 mm
• Low weight—28.5 kg
• Foam rubber (SIP) flight case insert for secure shipment....Designed to produce rich color and premium white light in a wide variety of applications where light quality is critical, the MAC Encore™ Wash CLD is an LED-based alternative to the MAC Viper Wash DX. The feature-packed soft edge moving head offers unparalleled 6000 K crisp, neutral daylight, and doubles as a modern replacement for generic fixtures like HMI based Fresnel fixtures, with the additional benefit of color mixing and movement.


• Pure white LED engine with 6000 K CCT.
• No color temperature variation during zoom and dimming.
• Flicker-free operation—LED driver frequency suitable for all camera applications.
• Whisper-silent—Combines convection and forced air cooling with user-selectable output vs. sound level control.
• Fully electronic dimmer/shutter control with various dimming curves and tungsten red-shift emulation.
• Vibrant CMY color mixing with a superior palette of colors ranging from rich, saturated primary colors to light and smooth pastel shades.
• Variable CTO—daylight to tungsten CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette that stays true to the black body curve.
• Color wheel—6 interchangeable dichroic filters + open.
• Fresnel lens: 1:4 zoom—precise, silent and fast zoom.
• PC lens (optional): 1:5 zoom—precise, silent and fast zoom.
• Internal barndoor system with two shutter blades and iris. Shutter blades can overlap for full blackout and the entire system rotates +/- 100°. Repeats cues with great precision.
• Precise and tight iris with adjustable dynamic effects.
• Animotion™ FX System—Internal dimming effect macros for stunning 3D mid-air and projection effects.
• Super precise and silent pan/tilt movement and positioning due to 3-phase stepper motor technology and absolute position monitoring.
• Compact size—L: 452 x W: 480 x H: 745 mm
• Low weight—28.5 kg
• Foam rubber (SIP) flight case insert for secure shipment.

Features : Pure white LED engine with 6000 K CCT. No color temperature variation during zoom and dimming. Flicker-free operation—LED driver frequency suitable for all camera applications. Whisper-silent—Combines convection and forced air cooling with user-selectable output vs. sound level control. Fully electronic dimmer/shutter control with various dimming curves and tungsten red-shift emulation. Vibrant CMY color mixing with a superior palette of colors ranging from rich, saturated primary colors to light and smooth pastel shades. Variable CTO—daylight to tungsten CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette that stays true to the black body curve. Color wheel—6 interchangeable dichroic filters + open. Fresnel lens: 1:4 zoom—precise, silent and fast zoom. PC lens (optional): 1:5 zoom—precise, silent and fast zoom. Internal barndoor system with two shutter blades and iris. Shutter blades can overlap for full blackout and the entire system rotates +/- 100°. Repeats cues with great precision. Precise and tight iris with adjustable dynamic effects. Animotion™ FX System—Internal dimming effect macros for stunning 3D mid-air and projection effects. Super precise and silent pan/tilt movement and positioning due to 3-phase stepper motor technology and absolute position monitoring. Compact size—L: 452 x W: 480 x H: 745 mm Low weight—28.5 kg Foam rubber (SIP) flight case insert for secure shipment.