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Martin MAC Encore Performance WRM

Technológia MAC Encore ™ Performance WRM integruje špičkovú technológiu LED s vlastným a inovatívnym svetelným motorom, ktorý je starostlivo navrhnutý tak, aby generoval úplné spektrum svetla s ultra vysokým farebným vyhotovením. Pohyblivá hlava vybavená funkciami ponúka jedinečnú emuláciu 3000 W teplého volfrámu. Pokročilý systém zmiešavania farieb prináša celú paletu farieb odtieňov od jemných pastelových až po bohaté, žiarivé nasýtené farby. Okrem toho ponúka variabilnú korekciu farieb na modré / denné svetlo.
    • Unikátna kvalita 3000 K teplého bieleho svetla
    • Super tiché chladenie a efekty
    • Najlepší pomer veľkosti / hmotnosti / výkonnosti v triede
Katalog.č. :
90234015 - polystyrén.obal (EPS)90234016 - SiP obal90234020 - biele prevedenie

MAC Encore Performance WRM
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MAC Encore™ Performance WRM integrates cutting-edge LED technology with a proprietary and innovative light engine carefully engineered to generate pristine, full spectrum light with ultra-high color rendition. The feature-packed moving head offers unparalleled 3000 K warm tungsten emulation that truly challenges the output quality of a real incandescent light source. Its advanced color mixing system delivers the full palette from smooth and subtle pastels to rich and vibrant saturated colors. Moreover, it offers a fully variable color correction to blue/daylight.

• Unparalleled 3000 K warm white light quality
• Super silent cooling and effects operation
• Best-in-class size/weight/performance ratio
FEATURES • Pure white LED engine with 3000 K CCT • A flat field without color temperature variation during zoom and dimming. • Flicker-free operation—LED driver frequency suitable for all camera applications. • Ultra-low noise—Combines convection and forced air cooling with user-selectable output vs. sound level control. • Fully electronic dimmer/shutter control with various dimming curves and tungsten red-shift emulation. • Variable CTB—tungsten to daylight CCT control and expansion of the CMY palette that stays true to the black body curve. • Color wheel—6 interchangeable dichroic filters + open. • 1:4 zoom—precise and fast, silent zoom with auto- linked focus. • Four framing shutter blades with individual +/- 30° adjustment and entire system rotation of +/- 55° allow for high-precision cue repeats. • Five rotating glass gobos with next to zero focal separation from the framing system. • Animation wheel with continuous multi-directional rotation and indexing with variable angle, speed and direction. • Animotion™ FX System—internal dimming effect macros for stunning 3D mid-air and projection effects. • Compact size—L: 452 mm x W: 480 mm x H: 733 mm (L: 17.8 in x W: 18.9 in x H: 28.9 in). • Low weight—31 kg/68 lbs. • Foam rubber (SiP) flightcase insert for secure shipment.