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Rayzor 760 ™ je kompaktné, ale veľmi výkonné wash efektové zariadenie s jedinečným systémom Elation SparkLED ™ a rýchlym plynulým pohybom posúvania a nakláňania. Vďaka širokému rozsahu transfokácie od 5 ° do 77 ° poskytuje intenzívne a veľmi dobre definované stredové lúče pri viac ako 8 000 lúmenoch, ako aj mimoriadne široké a rovnomerné wash pokrytie , vďaka čomu je dokonalým nástrojom pre každé použitie, a to aj v nepriaznivom vonkajšom prostredí a podmienkach. SparkLEDs ponúkajú výrazný a inovatívny efekt pixelov LED s vyhradenými pixelmi s vysokým jasom vo veľkých predných šošovkách.

Model Rayzor 760 je vybavený 7 nezávisle ovládanými 60 W RGBW LED diódami a poskytuje viac ako 8 000 lúmenov výkonu s celkovým výkonom 420 W.Disponuje výkonným lúčom, ktorý vyniká v ktorejkoľvek fáze. Predimenzované predné šošovky vytvárajú na svietidle veľký povrch, ktorý je vylepšený exkluzívnou patentovanou technológiou SparkLEDs. SparkLEDs sa skladá z 28 samostatných bielych LED diód, ktoré sú str...ategicky umiestnené vnútri samotného objektívu, aby vytvorili jedinečnú ďalšiu vrstvu, ktorá umožňuje dizajnérom prístup k novému a inovatívnemu spôsobu vzbudenia záujmu. Rayzor 760 ponúka hlboký vizuálny zážitok ako nikdy predtým.SparkLEDs sú ovládateľné pomocou svetelnej konzoly alebo sú poháňané množstvom interných FX vzorov.

Okrem silného wash a ďalších vylepšených efektov ponúka Rayzor 760 presné plynulé otáčanie výkyvom a nakláňaním,ktoré umožňuje premenlivú rýchlosť od pomalých až po extrémne rýchle efekty pohybu. Kombinácia výkonného LED výstupu s technológiou SparkLED pri využití pohybu 360 ° umožňuje návrhárovi vytvárať nekonečné, jedinečné a príťažlivé vzory zo stredných lúčov alebo zo širokého wash až po jemné náladové efekty alebo objektívy televíznych kamier.

Svietidlo Rayzor 760 ™ sa dodáva v kartónovej krabici s vložkou FIL(Foam In Lay) z penovej vrstvy polyuretánovej peny ,ktorá je prispôsobená na mieru. Táto penová vložka sa ľahko zmestí do akéhokoľvek flightcase vlastnej veľkosti (nie je súčasťou dodávky) a poskytuje zvýšenú ochranu pred nárazmi počas prepravy.


Rayzor 760
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The Rayzor 760™ is a compact yet extremely powerful Wash Effects fixture featuring Elation’s unique SparkLED™ system and fast continuous Pan and Tilt motion. With its wide zoom range from 5° to 77° it provides intense and well-defined mid-air beams at over 8,000 lumens as well as an exceptionally wide and even wash coverage, making it a perfect tool for any application, even in adverse outdoor conditions. SparkLEDs offer a prominent and innovative LED pixel effect with dedicated high brightness pixels inside the large front lenses for additional layers of creativity.

Driven by 7, independently controlled, 60W RGBW LEDs, delivering over 8,000 lumens of output with a total power of 420W, the Rayzor 760 provides a powerful beam that stands out on any stage. The oversized front lenses create a large surface on the fixture that is enhanced by the exclusive patent pending SparkLEDs technology. SparkLEDs consists of 28 individual white LEDs, strategically placed inside the lens itself to create a unique additional layer, allowing designers access to a new and innovative way of creating interest on the stage. Rayzor 760 offers this never seen before style of internal lens illumination for depth and visual impact. SparkLEDs are controllable by the lighting console or driven by a multitude of internal FX patterns.

n addition to its powerful wash and enhanced effects, the Rayzor 760™ offers precise continuous pan & tilt rotation, allowing variable speed from slow to extremely fast movement effects. Combining the powerful LED output with the SparkLEDs while utilizing the 360° movement, allows the designer to create endless, unique and appealing designs from mid-air beams or wide stage washes to subtle effects for mood or the TV camera lens.

The Rayzor 760™ fixture ships in a cardboard box with a custom fitted polyurethane foam FIL (Foam In Lay) insert. This foam insert easily fits into any custom sized flight case (not included), and provides enhanced impact protection during transport....The Rayzor 760™ is a compact yet extremely powerful Wash Effects fixture featuring Elation’s unique SparkLED™ system and fast continuous Pan and Tilt motion. With its wide zoom range from 5° to 77° it provides intense and well-defined mid-air beams at over 8,000 lumens as well as an exceptionally wide and even wash coverage, making it a perfect tool for any application, even in adverse outdoor conditions. SparkLEDs offer a prominent and innovative LED pixel effect with dedicated high brightness pixels inside the large front lenses for additional layers of creativity.

Driven by 7, independently controlled, 60W RGBW LEDs, delivering over 8,000 lumens of output with a total power of 420W, the Rayzor 760 provides a powerful beam that stands out on any stage. The oversized front lenses create a large surface on the fixture that is enhanced by the exclusive patent pending SparkLEDs technology. SparkLEDs consists of 28 individual white LEDs, strategically placed inside the lens itself to create a unique additional layer, allowing designers access to a new and innovative way of creating interest on the stage. Rayzor 760 offers this never seen before style of internal lens illumination for depth and visual impact. SparkLEDs are controllable by the lighting console or driven by a multitude of internal FX patterns.

n addition to its powerful wash and enhanced effects, the Rayzor 760™ offers precise continuous pan & tilt rotation, allowing variable speed from slow to extremely fast movement effects. Combining the powerful LED output with the SparkLEDs while utilizing the 360° movement, allows the designer to create endless, unique and appealing designs from mid-air beams or wide stage washes to subtle effects for mood or the TV camera lens.

The Rayzor 760™ fixture ships in a cardboard box with a custom fitted polyurethane foam FIL (Foam In Lay) insert. This foam insert easily fits into any custom sized flight case (not included), and provides enhanced impact protection during transport.

High Power Moving Head Wash Luminaire
7x 60W Osram™ RGBW LEDs
28x 2W White SparkLEDs
Pixel or Pixel Ring Controlled LEDs
Pixel Controlled SparkLEDs
5° - 77° Wide Zoom Range
Advanced Cooling Control Systems
Adjustable Refresh Frequency
Variable Dimming Curves, Dim Modes and Dimming Delays
Flicker-Free Operation for Broadcast TV and Film

7x 60W Osram™ Multi-Chip LEDs
28x 2W White SparkLEDs
8,000 Total Output Lumens
50,000 Hour Average Lamp Life*

18,163 LUX 1,687 FC @ 16.4’ (5m) (Min. Zoom)
380 LUX 35 FC @ 16.4’ (5m) (Max. Zoom)

Fast and Precise 16-Bit Continuous 360° Pan/Tilt Rotation
Pixel or Pixel Ring Controlled LEDs
Pixel Controlled SparkLEDs
High-Speed Electronic Shutter and Strobe
Variable Dimming Curves, Dim Modes and Dimming Delays

RGBW Multi-Chip LEDs
White SparkLEDs
Variable Color Temperature (2,700K – 8,000K)

3 DMX Channel Modes (25 / 52 / 80)
DMX, Art-NE and sACN Support
RDM (Remote Device Management)
Adjustable Refresh Frequency (900 - 25,000Hz)
8 / 16 Bit Pan, Tilt and Dimming Control
6 Button Touch Control Panel
Full Color 180° Reversible LCD Menu Display
Battery Powered Menu Display
USB Firmware Service Port
5pin DMX In/Out
RJ45 etherCON In/Out (Art-NET and sACN)
Power Twist TR1 Power In/Out

Length: 13.4” (340mm)
Width: 8.6” (218mm)
Vertical Height: 16.7” (423mm)
Weight: 27 lbs. (12.2 kg)

AC 100-240V
- 50/60Hz
650W Max Power Consumption
14°F to 113°F (-10°C to 45°C)

Foam Inlay
2 Omega Brackets
IP XLR Cable
Power Twist TR1 to Schuko Cable

1227000013 WP-02 Outdoor Dome
1227000018 WP-06 Outdoor Dome
1322000054 E Loader III

*LED Life may vary depending on several factors including but not limited to: Environmental Conditions, Power/Voltage, Usage Patterns (On-Off Cycling), Control, and Dimming.

Elation Rayzor 760