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Mini-B je najmenšie pohyblivé LED svetlo, aké kedy Claypaky vyrobila pre profesionálny trh. Hoci Mini-B váži len 7 kg a meria iba 34 cm, disponuje najpokročilejšou, modernou optickou a elektronickou technológiou. Svetelný zdroj je založený na 40 Wattových LED Osram RGBW LED, rovnakých, ktoré sú osadené v Claypaky HY B-EYE.
Mini-B má široký zoom v rozsahu od 4° do 55°, vďaka čomu je toto malé svietidlo mimoriadne všestranné. Pri úzkom uhle je vytvorený lúč veľmi pevný a koncentrovaný, vynikajúci pre letecké efekty. Pri plnej otvorenosti sa Mini-B stáva vynikajúcim wash svetlom a môže nahradiť oveľa ťažšie a väčššie zariadenia na pódiách, v televíznych štúdiách, na viacúčelových miestach a v kluboch.
Centrálna LED dióda Mini-B môže byť ovládaná oddelene od vonkajšieho kruhu LED, vďaka čomu je ideálna aj pre grafické svetelné efekty. Tento vysoko profesionálny nástroj dopĺňa viac ako päťdesiat predinštalovaných efektov/farebných makier, ovládanie teploty farieb 2500K-8000K, 24-bitový stmievač ...s piatimi krivkami, elektronický stroboskop @ 25 f/sec a ethernetový prístup.

Po úspechu série Mini-B pridal Claypaky do svojho sortimentu svetlá vybavené LED diódami Warm White RGB. Výkon je rovnaký ako u pôvodných modelov, ale majú prirodzenú farebnú teplotu 3200 K. MINI-B WW sú jasné, ľahké a kompaktné a disponujú teplými farebnými tónmi.

• Svetelný zdroj: 7 x 40W RGBW Osram Ostar LED
• Mimoriadne kompaktný a ľahký
• Vysoko účinný svetelný výkon, veľmi nízka spotreba energie
• Veľmi rýchle pohyby Pan a Tilt
• Rozsah zoomu 4°-55°
• Nezávislé ovládanie centrálnej LED
• Predinštalované efekty/farebné makrá
• Ovládanie teploty farieb 2500K – 8000K
• 24 bitový stmievač s 5 krivkami
• Elektronický stroboskop @ 25 f/s
• Ethernetový prístup
• K dispozícii je WW verzia (RGBWWw + lineárny CTB, 6500K až 2500K)


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Mini-B is the smallest LED moving light ever made by Claypaky for the professional market. Although it weighs just 7 Kg and measures only 34 cm, Mini-B features the most advanced, modern optical and electronic technology. The light source is based on 40 Watt Osram RGBW LEDs, the same ones fitted in the new Claypaky HY B-EYE.
Mini-B features a wide zoom, ranging from 4° to 55° that makes this little luminaire extremely versatile. At the narrow angle, the beam produced is very solid and concentrated, superb for aerial effects. At full aperture, the Mini-B becomes an excellent wash light and it can replace much heavier and bulkier equipment, on stages, in TV studios, at multi-purpose venues and at clubs.
The Mini-B's central LED may be controlled separately from the external ring of LEDs, making it ideal for graphic lighting effects too. More than fifty pre-installed effects/color macros, 2500K-8000K color temperature control, a 24 bit dimmer with five curves, an electronic strobe @ 25 f/sec, and Ethernet access complete this highly professional tool.

Following the success of the Mini-B Series, Claypaky has added lights equipped with Warm White RGB LEDs to its range. The power is the same as the original models but they have a natural colour temperature of 3200K. MINI-B WWs are bright, lightweight and compact, and are just right when warm colour tones and the possibility of enhancing the complexion of the artists on stage are crucial factors in the lighting designer's choice of units.

• Light Source: 7 x 40W RGBW Osram Ostar LEDs
• Extremely compact and lightweight
• Highly efficient light output, very low power consumption
• Very high-speed Pan and Tilt movements
• 4°-55° Zoom range
• Independent control of the central LED
• Pre-installed effects/color macros
• 2500K – 8000K color temperature control
• 24 bit dimmer with 5 curves
• Electronic strobe @ 25 f/sec
• Ethernet access
• WW version available (RGBWw + Linear CTB, 6500K to 2500K)...Mini-B is the smallest LED moving light ever made by Claypaky for the professional market. Although it weighs just 7 Kg and measures only 34 cm, Mini-B features the most advanced, modern optical and electronic technology. The light source is based on 40 Watt Osram RGBW LEDs, the same ones fitted in the new Claypaky HY B-EYE.
Mini-B features a wide zoom, ranging from 4° to 55° that makes this little luminaire extremely versatile. At the narrow angle, the beam produced is very solid and concentrated, superb for aerial effects. At full aperture, the Mini-B becomes an excellent wash light and it can replace much heavier and bulkier equipment, on stages, in TV studios, at multi-purpose venues and at clubs.
The Mini-B's central LED may be controlled separately from the external ring of LEDs, making it ideal for graphic lighting effects too. More than fifty pre-installed effects/color macros, 2500K-8000K color temperature control, a 24 bit dimmer with five curves, an electronic strobe @ 25 f/sec, and Ethernet access complete this highly professional tool.

Following the success of the Mini-B Series, Claypaky has added lights equipped with Warm White RGB LEDs to its range. The power is the same as the original models but they have a natural colour temperature of 3200K. MINI-B WWs are bright, lightweight and compact, and are just right when warm colour tones and the possibility of enhancing the complexion of the artists on stage are crucial factors in the lighting designer's choice of units.

• Light Source: 7 x 40W RGBW Osram Ostar LEDs
• Extremely compact and lightweight
• Highly efficient light output, very low power consumption
• Very high-speed Pan and Tilt movements
• 4°-55° Zoom range
• Independent control of the central LED
• Pre-installed effects/color macros
• 2500K – 8000K color temperature control
• 24 bit dimmer with 5 curves
• Electronic strobe @ 25 f/sec
• Ethernet access
• WW version available (RGBWw + Linear CTB, 6500K to 2500K)

LIGHT SOURCE TYPE 7x Osram 40W RGBW LEDs LED life expectancy: 50000Hrs (20000 L70*) *It may vary depending on various factors, as type of use and environment PHOTOMETRIC DATA Zoom range: 4°- 55° 3420 Lumen Output Front lens assembly diameter: 153mm High efficiency optical system NOISE LEVEL SLN fan mode: 40.2 dBA AUTO fan mode: 46.0 dBA Theatre fan mode: 46.8 dBA Constant fan mode: 50.3 dBA CONTROL and CONNECTIONS Personalities: three modes with 17/21/29 control channels Control Protocol: DMX, Art-Net, RDM, sACN DMX and RDM connectors: Locking 5 pin XLR IN/THRU Ethernet port: RJ45 IN Power connector: PowerCon True1 Built In Web Server DYNAMIC EFFECTS Colours: RGB+W colour mixing 16bit Linear 16bit CTO 2500K to 8000K Preset macro colors Movement: Tilt: 260° - 16bit (3.5 sec Max speed) Pan: 540° - 16bit (5.4 sec Max speed) Automatic repositioning Fast/Normal/Boost speed selectable by Function channel Beam: Motorized Zoom Dimmer/Shutter: High resolution electronic Dimmer - 24 bit, 5 curves High speed electronic Strobe