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Mini-B AQUA má krytie IP66,vďaka čomu je vhodný pre všetky druhy vonkajšieho použitia. Je však ideálny aj pre vnútornú inštaláciu, pretože nevyžaduje rovnakú úroveň údržby ako bežné svietidlá s krytím IP20 vďaka úplnej ochrane vnútorných komponentov proti prachu.

Čo sa týka optiky, elektroniky, efektov a výkonu, Mini-B Aqua ponúka všetky funkcie, vďaka ktorým je jeho dvojča – Mini-B – úspešné.Jeho svetelný zdroj je založený na 40W RGBW LED diódach. V kombinácii s optickou jednotkou Claypaky, ktorá obsahuje kolimátor a sedem povrchových šošoviek, tieto LED diódy produkujú vysoko účinný svetelný výkon s veľmi nízkou spotrebou energie. Centrálnu LED je možné ovládať oddelene od vonkajšieho krúžku LED pre výrazné čelné vizuálne efekty.
Zariadenie sa dodáva s päťdesiatimi predinštalovanými farebnými makrami. Má lineárnu elektronickú korekciu teploty farieb od 2500K do 8000K. Kanály prelínania medzi farbou a CTO a medzi makrami umožňujú lineárny prechod z prednastavenej bielej na akúkoľvek hodno...tu RGBW alebo plynulý prechod medzi rôznymi farebnými makrami.

MINI-B Aqua má mnoho funkcií typických pre drahšie, väčšie jednotky, ako je päťkrivkový 24-bitový elektronický stmievač, ktorý zachováva vyvážené farby v celom rozsahu stmievania. Má tiež široký zoom v rozsahu od 4° do 55°, vďaka čomu je toto malé svietidlo mimoriadne všestranné.
Vďaka kompaktným rozmerom a nízkej hmotnosti je možné otáčanie a nakláňanie riadiť vysokou rýchlosťou a použiť na vytváranie vzrušujúcich pohyblivých svetelných efektov.

Mini-B Aqua je ľahké, všestranné wash svetlo odolné voči poveternostným vplyvom,ideálne na každé použitie a pódium, v interiéri aj exteriéri.


Mini-B Aqua
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The models in the Claypaky Mini-B family have been extremely successful in all areas of use thanks to their flexibility, incredibly light weight and compactness, lightning-fast pan-tilt movements, and unparalleled cost-performance ratio. The MINI-B AQUA was created to meet the huge demand from lighting professionals for a weather resistant, lightweight, compact, agile mini-washlight.

The Mini-B AQUA is IP66 protection rated, making it suitable for all kinds of outdoor use. However, it is also ideal for indoor installation since it does not require the same levels of maintenance as ordinary IP20 fixtures thanks to the total protection of its internal components against dust.

In terms of optics, electronics, effects and performance, the Mini-B Aqua offers all the features that made its twin - the Mini-B - successful. The two fixtures are even perfectly interchangeable on the lighting rig! Its light source is based on 40W RGBW LEDs. Combined with a Claypaky optical unit which includes a collimator and seven surface lenses, these LEDs produce a highly efficient light output with very low power consumption. The central LED can be controlled separately from the outer LED ring for striking frontal visual effects.

The fixture comes complete with fifty pre-installed color macros. It has linear electronic color temperature correction from 2500K to 8000K. The crossfade channels between color and CTO and between macros allow a linear transition from the pre-set whites to any RGBW value, or a smooth transition between various color macros.

The MINI-B Aqua has many of the features typical of more expensive, larger units, like the five-curve, 24-bit electronic dimmer that maintains balanced colours throughout its dimming range. It also features a wide zoom, ranging from 4° to 55°, that makes this little luminaire extremely versatile.

Thanks to its compact size and lightweight, the pan and tilt movements can be driven at high speed and used to create exciting moving light effe...cts, which are particularly useful at rock concerts.

The Mini-B Aqua is the lightweight, versatile, weather-resistant wash light everyone has been waiting for, ideal for every use and stage, both indoors and out.

• Light source: 7 x 40W RGBW Osram Ostar LEDs (7000K)
• Weather Resistant (IP66), ideal for indoor and outdoor applications
• Extremely compact and lightweight
• Highly efficient light output (3,420 lm)
• Very low power consumption (

• Light source: 7 x 40W RGBW Osram Ostar LEDs (7000K) • Weather Resistant (IP66), ideal for indoor and outdoor applications • Extremely compact and lightweight • Highly efficient light output (3,420 lm) • Very low power consumption (