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CLAYPAKY Tambora Stormy

Klasický stroboskop posunutý do 21. storočia!

Bezproblémové grafické efekty, modulárna konzistencia dizajnu a plna kontrolu pixelov – to všetko s výkonným stroboskopom pre vizuálne efekty, ktoré upútajú pozornosť. Zabalené do kompaktného svietidla s 27 segmentmi RGBW SMD LED diód, široké pokrytie osvetlenia optimalizované pre osvetlenie na krátku vzdialenosť. Nekonečné kreatívne možnosti.

• Špičkové svetelné efekty: Vďaka vysokovýkonným RGBW SMD LED diódam poskytuje výkonné širokouhlé projekcie, rýchlu spätnú väzbu a bleskové efekty. S 27 ovládateľnými segmentmi môžete vytvárať dynamické farebné efekty a kombinácie mapovania pixelov pre akýkoľvek scenár.

• Inovatívna pokročilá správa vrstiev: S inovatívnym systémom môžete miešať tri vrstvy naraz – farbu pozadia, internú vstavanú makro sekvenciu a nejaký externý video obsah. Hladké prepínanie medzi týmito vrstvami jediným pohybom prepínača!

• Všestranný a presný: Ponúka dynamické ovládanie teploty farieb s technológiou Red Shift a 120...° uhlom vyžarovania pre pozoruhodné stroboskopické efekty na veľkých pódiách a bohaté osvetlenie pre kratšie zábery.

• Príslušenstvo s jednoduchou montážou: Voliteľné beznástrojové alebo magnetické príslušenstvo, ako sú dvierka alebo rámy filtrov pre rozšírenú kontrolu a prispôsobenie, čo umožňuje prispôsobiť osvetlenie akýmkoľvek špecifickým potrebám.

• Bezproblémová integrácia: Tambora Stormy zodpovedá rozmerom Tambora Flash a Rays pre súdržný vzhľad.Možnosť zmiešania a zladenia s CLAYPAKY príslušenstvom pre nekonečné kreatívne možnosti v akejkoľvek konfigurácii. Jeho účinnosť, kompaktná veľkosť a jednoduché vybavenie umožňujú rýchle a bezproblémové nastavenie kdekoľvek.

• Skonštruovaný tak, aby vydržal: Vďaka svojmu dizajnu do každého počasia a vysokému krytiu IP66 je Tambora Stormy ideálny pre vonkajšie akcie a inštalácie. Navyše je prakticky bezúdržbový, čo z neho robí udržateľnú a dlhotrvajúcu voľbu pre vonkajšie aj vnútorné použitie.

Pripravte sa ohromiť svoje publikum výkonnými, energiou nabitými efektmi novej Tambora Stormy – nevyhnutného strobo svetla, ktoré posunie vaše návrhy osvetlenia na ďalšiu úroveň!


Tambora Stormy
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The classic strobe, translated into the 21st century!

Introducing the Tambora Stormy: the latest addition to the renowned Tambora range, designed to elevate your lighting design and performance.
Experience seamless graphical effects, modular design consistency, and full pixel control—all with a powerful strobe for attention-grabbing visuals. Packed into a compact fixture with 27 segments of RGBW SMD LEDs, you can get wide lighting coverage optimized for close-distance illumination. Unlock endless creative options at your command!

Why you’ll love Tambora Stormy:

Top-Notch Lighting Effects: Packed with high-performance RGBW SMD LEDs it delivers powerful wide-angle projections, fast feedback, and rapid-firing strobe effects. With 27 controllable segments, you can create dynamic color effects and pixel-mapping combos for any scenario.

Innovative Advanced Layer Management: With our innovative system, you can mix three layers at once – a background color, an internal built-in macro sequence, and some external video content. Switch between these layers seamlessly with just a flick of a switch!

Versatile and Precise: It offers dynamic color temperature control with Red Shift tech and a 120° beam angle for remarkable strobe effects on large stages and rich lighting for shorter throws.

Easy-mounting Accessories: Optional tool-free or magnetic accessories like barndoors or filter frames for extended control and customization allow you to adapt the lighting to any specific needs.

Seamless Integration: Tambora Stormy matches the dimensions of Tambora Flash and Rays for a cohesive look. Mix and match them with our accessories for endless creative possibilities in any configuration. Its efficiency, compact size, and easy rigging make setup quick and hassle-free anywhere.

Built to Last: With its all-weather design and high IP66 protection rating, the Tambora Stormy is perfect for outdoor events and installations. Plus, it’s practically maintenance-free, making it a sustainable and long-lasting choice for outdoor and indoor use.

Get ready to wow your audience with the powerful, energy-laden effects of the new Tambora Stormy – The must-have strobe light that will take your lighting designs to the next level!...The classic strobe, translated into the 21st century!

Introducing the Tambora Stormy: the latest addition to the renowned Tambora range, designed to elevate your lighting design and performance.
Experience seamless graphical effects, modular design consistency, and full pixel control—all with a powerful strobe for attention-grabbing visuals. Packed into a compact fixture with 27 segments of RGBW SMD LEDs, you can get wide lighting coverage optimized for close-distance illumination. Unlock endless creative options at your command!

Why you’ll love Tambora Stormy:

Top-Notch Lighting Effects: Packed with high-performance RGBW SMD LEDs it delivers powerful wide-angle projections, fast feedback, and rapid-firing strobe effects. With 27 controllable segments, you can create dynamic color effects and pixel-mapping combos for any scenario.

Innovative Advanced Layer Management: With our innovative system, you can mix three layers at once – a background color, an internal built-in macro sequence, and some external video content. Switch between these layers seamlessly with just a flick of a switch!

Versatile and Precise: It offers dynamic color temperature control with Red Shift tech and a 120° beam angle for remarkable strobe effects on large stages and rich lighting for shorter throws.

Easy-mounting Accessories: Optional tool-free or magnetic accessories like barndoors or filter frames for extended control and customization allow you to adapt the lighting to any specific needs.

Seamless Integration: Tambora Stormy matches the dimensions of Tambora Flash and Rays for a cohesive look. Mix and match them with our accessories for endless creative possibilities in any configuration. Its efficiency, compact size, and easy rigging make setup quick and hassle-free anywhere.

Built to Last: With its all-weather design and high IP66 protection rating, the Tambora Stormy is perfect for outdoor events and installations. Plus, it’s practically maintenance-free, making it a sustainable and long-lasting choice for outdoor and indoor use.

Get ready to wow your audience with the powerful, energy-laden effects of the new Tambora Stormy – The must-have strobe light that will take your lighting designs to the next level!

| Light Source: 675x 2W RBGW SMD LEDs split into 27 segments | Light Output: up to 34,000 lm | Zoom range: 120° beam aperture | Effects: Advanced Layer Management; Electronic dimmer; Electronic strobe @30 f/sec; Pixel mapping split into 27 different segments |