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Botticelli Softlight používa 4 lineárne kremenné halogénové žiarovky s päticami R7s v dvoch rôznych verziách celkovej dĺžky (ktoré musia byť špecifikované v objednávke):

• Dostupné žiarovky 189 mm 230-240 V, max. výkon 1.250W na lampu (celkom 5.000W)
• Dostupné žiarovky 118 mm 120 V a 230-240 V max.výkon 1.000W na lampu (spolu 4.000W).
Použitie takéhoto svietidla umožňuje prelínanie tieňov a penumbry bez potreby objemných odrazových panelov. Dve lampy je možné jednotlivo zapínať alebo vypínať a sú usporiadané vo vnútri optického systému tak, že premietaný mäkký lúč zmení intenzitu iba pri pridávaní alebo uberaní funkcie lampy, ale nemení vplyv na tiene.

• Kompaktné, vysoko účinné Soft-Light lineárne volfrámovo-quartz-halogénové žiarovky s objímkami R7s a dĺžkou buď 118 mm. alebo 189 mm.
• 7 odolných a ľahkých krytov z uhlíkovej ocele s čiernym epoxidovým práškovým náterom s nízkym leskom, s prednými podperami pre rám filtra a egg mriežkou na ovládan...ie lúča.
• Egg mriežky sú dostupné v dvoch typoch hrúbky a sú stohovateľné pred jednotkou.
• Vysokoúčinné konvekčné chladenie.
• Sklopný predný panel pre prístup do priestoru pre lampu bez demontáže predného príslušenstva
• Štandardné jednotky sú vybavené špeciálnym hliníkovým reflektorom s difúzne lakovaným odrazovým povrchom na laminácii, aby sa dosiahla super mäkká a rozptýlená projekcia, ale stále s minimalizovanou stratou odrazu. Biele reflektory sú k dispozícii na požiadanie.
• Príslušenstvo je bezpečné bez ohľadu na orientáciu zariadenia a bolo navrhnuté pre one-hand inštaláciu.
• Dostupné buď s ručnými strmeňmi so zámkom pre pohodlie a ľahkú manipuláciu, alebo tyčovými strmeňmi na posúvanie a nakláňanie svetiel manuálne - mechanické aktivátory sú vybavené spojkami.


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This Botticelli Softlight is utilizing 4 linear quartz-halogen lamps with R7s caps and there are 2 different overall length versions (that must be specified on order):

• 189 mm 230-240V lamps available Max. Power 1.250W per lamp (tot. 5.000W)
• 118 mm 120 V & 230-240V lamps available Max. Power 1.000W per lamp (tot. 4.000W)The use of such fixture makes possible the blending of shadows and penumbra without the need of bulky reflecting panels. The two lamps can be individually turned ON or OFF and they are arranged inside the optycal system in such a way that the projected soft beam will only change in intensity when adding or deducting the function of a lamp, but it will not change the effect on shadows.

• Compact, highly efficient Soft-Light linear tungsten-quartz-halogen filament lamps having R7s sockets and length of either 118mm. or 189 mm.
• 7 Rugged and Lightweight Carbon Steel housing with low glare black epoxy powder coating, with front supports for filter frame and egg-crate for beam control.
• Egg crates are available in two types of thickness and are stackable in front of the unit.
• High efficiency convection cooling.
• Fold down front panel for lamp compartment access without dismounting front accessories
• Standard units are equipped with Special aluminum reflector with diffuse painted reflecting surface on lamination, to obtain a super soft and diffused projection but still minimizing reflection losses. White reflectors are available on request
• The accessories are secure regardless of the orientation of the fixture. Accessories have been designed for one hand installation.
• Available with either positive lock manual yokes for comfort and ease of handling, or pole operated yokes which can be used via the lighting pole for Panning and Tilting the lights as well as manually, since the mechanical activators are equipped with clutches. It is possible the conversion between the two types....This Botticelli Softlight is utilizing 4 linear quartz-halogen lamps with R7s caps and there are 2 different overall length versions (that must be specified on order):

• 189 mm 230-240V lamps available Max. Power 1.250W per lamp (tot. 5.000W)
• 118 mm 120 V & 230-240V lamps available Max. Power 1.000W per lamp (tot. 4.000W)The use of such fixture makes possible the blending of shadows and penumbra without the need of bulky reflecting panels. The two lamps can be individually turned ON or OFF and they are arranged inside the optycal system in such a way that the projected soft beam will only change in intensity when adding or deducting the function of a lamp, but it will not change the effect on shadows.

• Compact, highly efficient Soft-Light linear tungsten-quartz-halogen filament lamps having R7s sockets and length of either 118mm. or 189 mm.
• 7 Rugged and Lightweight Carbon Steel housing with low glare black epoxy powder coating, with front supports for filter frame and egg-crate for beam control.
• Egg crates are available in two types of thickness and are stackable in front of the unit.
• High efficiency convection cooling.
• Fold down front panel for lamp compartment access without dismounting front accessories
• Standard units are equipped with Special aluminum reflector with diffuse painted reflecting surface on lamination, to obtain a super soft and diffused projection but still minimizing reflection losses. White reflectors are available on request
• The accessories are secure regardless of the orientation of the fixture. Accessories have been designed for one hand installation.
• Available with either positive lock manual yokes for comfort and ease of handling, or pole operated yokes which can be used via the lighting pole for Panning and Tilting the lights as well as manually, since the mechanical activators are equipped with clutches. It is possible the conversion between the two types.