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CLAYPAKY Actoris Profile FC

Actoris Profile FC je 6-farebný elipsoidný LED Profile s pokročilými funkciami,obsahujúci najmodernejší softvér, ktorý mu poskytuje špičkový výkon najmä pokiaľ ide o ovládanie farieb. Je užívateľsky prívetivý a kombinuje funkcie, ktoré umožňujú jeho použitie v manuálnom režime alebo ovládanie z osvetľovacieho pultu v televíznych štúdiách a divadlách.

Svetelný zdroj je založený na systéme RGBAL + ROYAL BLUE, čo znamená, že je možné vyrobiť akýkoľvek požadovaný odtieň farby, vrátane neuveriteľnej škály pastelových odtieňov, s CRI až 97. Má variabilnú korekciu farebnej teploty od 2500K do 8000K a perfektný CCT s Planckovou krivkou.

Ponúka množstvo funkcií:
• stabilnú konzistenciu farieb v priebehu času a pri zmenách teploty vďaka kombinovanej kalibrácii zariadenia pomocou CloudIO
• široký farebný gamut vrátane tmavo modrej a tmavo červenej
• korekciu odtieňa: +/- úprava zelená/purpurová
• volfrámový režim, ktorý napodobňuje správanie halogénovej žiarovky pri stmievaní od 0 do 100 % a nao...pak
• vysokú farebnú stálosť a presnosť aj v režime volfrámu vďaka ovládaču s vysokým rozlíšením
• opakovateľné farby od zariadenia k zariadeniu.

Algoritmus, ktorý reguluje systém kontroly farieb, je dokonale porovnateľný s algoritmom profilu Claypaky Sinfonya s pokročilým, štandardným, bielym a jednokanálovým režimom.

Actoris Profile FC je praktický, inteligentný, modulárny nástroj tzn.,že si môžete vybrať optickú jednotku, ktorú uprednostňujete, aby zodpovedala svietidlu: môžete si vybrať z 15°-30° zoomu, 25°-50° zoomu a siedmich pevných šošovky (5°, 10°, 14°, 19°, 26°, 36° a 50°). Systém je kompatibilný aj s inými optickými jednotkami. Podobne je možné namontovať celý rad príslušenstva, vrátane držiaka goba, držiaka frost filtra a clony.

24-bitový stmievač s rôznymi krivkami znamená, že si intenzitu svetla môžete plynulo a postupne upravovať. Automatický ventilačný systém s premenlivou rýchlosťou umožňuje, aby zariadenie fungovalo v režime nízkej hlučnosti.

Actoris Profile FC je pokročilý systém, ktorý kombinuje robustnú konštrukciu so špičkovými optickými a svetelnými funkciami a pridáva pokročilý softvér, ktorý poskytuje funkcie, ktoré doteraz na svietidlách tohto typu neboli možné. Skvele sa hodí do divadiel, televíznych štúdií, posluchární, koncertných sál a konferenčných miestností.


Actoris Profile FC
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Actoris Profile FC is a 6-color ellipsoidal with advanced features, incorporating state-of-the-art software which gives it top-notch performance, especially in terms of colour control. It was designed to be user-friendly, and it combines features that allow it to be used in manual mode or be controlled from a lighting desk in TV studios and theatres.

The light source is based on an RGBAL + ROYAL BLUE system, which means any desired shade of colour can be produced, including an incredible array of pastel hues, with a CRI of up to 97. It has variable colour temperature correction from 2500K to 8000K, and perfect Planck-curve CCT.

It offers multifarious functions: stable colour consistency over time and with temperature changes due to combined fixture calibration by using CloudIO; a wide colour gamut, including deep blue and deep red; tint correction: +/- green/magenta adjustment; tungsten mode, to emulate the behavior of a halogen lamp while dimming from 0 to 100% and vice versa; high colour stability and accuracy even in tungsten mode, thanks to a high-resolution driver; repeatable colours from fixture to fixture.

The algorithm that regulates the color control system is perfectly comparable to that of the Claypaky Sinfonya Profile, with advanced, standard, white, and single-channel modes.

The Actoris Profile FC is a practical, smart, modular tool: you can select the optical unit you prefer to match the light fixture: you can choose from a 15°-30° zoom, a 25°-50° zoom, and seven fixed lenses (5°, 10°, 14°, 19°, 26°, 36° and 50°). The system is also compatible with other optical units. Similarly, a whole range of beam-enriching accessories can be fitted, including a gobo holder, a frost filter holder,and an iris.

The 24-bit dimmer with different curves means you can adjust its light intensity smoothly and gradually. An automatic variable speed ventilation system allows the fixture to run in low-noise mode.

The Actoris Profile FC is an advanced system, which combines a robust construction with top-class optical and lighting features and adds advanced software that provides functions which were hitherto not possible on fixtures of this type. It is perfect in theatres, television studios, auditoriums, concert halls and conference rooms....Actoris Profile FC is a 6-color ellipsoidal with advanced features, incorporating state-of-the-art software which gives it top-notch performance, especially in terms of colour control. It was designed to be user-friendly, and it combines features that allow it to be used in manual mode or be controlled from a lighting desk in TV studios and theatres.

The light source is based on an RGBAL + ROYAL BLUE system, which means any desired shade of colour can be produced, including an incredible array of pastel hues, with a CRI of up to 97. It has variable colour temperature correction from 2500K to 8000K, and perfect Planck-curve CCT.

It offers multifarious functions: stable colour consistency over time and with temperature changes due to combined fixture calibration by using CloudIO; a wide colour gamut, including deep blue and deep red; tint correction: +/- green/magenta adjustment; tungsten mode, to emulate the behavior of a halogen lamp while dimming from 0 to 100% and vice versa; high colour stability and accuracy even in tungsten mode, thanks to a high-resolution driver; repeatable colours from fixture to fixture.

The algorithm that regulates the color control system is perfectly comparable to that of the Claypaky Sinfonya Profile, with advanced, standard, white, and single-channel modes.

The Actoris Profile FC is a practical, smart, modular tool: you can select the optical unit you prefer to match the light fixture: you can choose from a 15°-30° zoom, a 25°-50° zoom, and seven fixed lenses (5°, 10°, 14°, 19°, 26°, 36° and 50°). The system is also compatible with other optical units. Similarly, a whole range of beam-enriching accessories can be fitted, including a gobo holder, a frost filter holder,and an iris.

The 24-bit dimmer with different curves means you can adjust its light intensity smoothly and gradually. An automatic variable speed ventilation system allows the fixture to run in low-noise mode.

The Actoris Profile FC is an advanced system, which combines a robust construction with top-class optical and lighting features and adds advanced software that provides functions which were hitherto not possible on fixtures of this type. It is perfect in theatres, television studios, auditoriums, concert halls and conference rooms.

• SOURCE: RGBAL + ROYAL BLUE (370W max) • LIFETIME L70: 50,000 h • COLOUR TEMPERATURE: variable white ranging from 2500K to 8000K, with perfect Planck-curve CCT • CRI: up to 97 • OPTICAL UNITS: 15°-30° zoom, 25°-50 zoom, 5°, 10°, 14°, 19°, 26°, 36° and 50° fixed lenses • CONTROL PROTOCOLS: DMX512/RDM/sACN/Artnet • TINT CORRECTION: +/–green/magenta adjustments • DIMING:24-bit ultra-smooth, with different dimming curves available • COLOUR CONTROL: as the Sinfonya, with advanced, standard, white, and single-channel modes • FLICKER-FREE: thanks to PWM frequency adjustment • ACCESSORIES: gobo holder, frost filter holder, iris • CLOUDIO READY: fully compatible with CloudIO • WEIGHT: 9 kg