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ROSCO Cinegel®

Rad farebných, korekčných a difúznych filtrov, ktorý získal ocenenie Rosco's Academy Award®

Rad filtrov Rosco Cinegel obsahuje viac ako 200 alternatív na ovládanie svetla, vrátane farebných korekcií, difúzie, patentovaného CalColor System, Storaro Selection a Cinelux. Od svojho uvedenia na trh v roku 1970 sa Cinegel neustále vyvíja a rastie, aby vyhovoval pracovným potrebám profesionálov pracujúcich za kamerou. V roku 1974 bol Rosco ocenený cenou Akadémie® za vývoj radu Cinegel a opäť v roku 1998 za vývoj radu kalibrovaných farieb CalColor pre fotoaparát.

• Hĺbkovo farbený polyesterový základ
• Cinegel ponúka viac ako 30 rôznych materiálov, ktoré menia veľkosť, tvar a intenzitu lúča – čo umožňuje filmárom a fotografom meniť kontrastný pomer a svetlá a tiene vytvorené pri osvetlení ich scény alebo objektu.

Sortiment zahŕňa:
• Pevné filtre: Vyznačujú sa vyšším bodom topenia a sú vhodné na použitie priamo pred väčšinou svietidiel.
• Mäkké filtre: Navrhnuté na použitie na svetelnýc...h zdrojoch s nízkou teplotou alebo na rámoch umiestnených niekoľko desiatok cm pred horúcimi svietidlami.

• Reflexné a odrazové materiály

Odrazené svetlo je užitočným nástrojom pre filmárov a fotografov najmä keď je obmedzený čas, rozpočet alebo priestor. Odrazové materiály Cinegel ponúkajú rôzne možnosti, sú ľahké, odolné a pohodlné.Všetky sú navrhnuté na trvalú montáž na dosky reflektorov alebo iné pevné povrchy. Metalizované materiály reflektora sú konštruované s odrazovým povrchom, ktorý je nalaminovaný na odolnú bielu podložku, ktorá je tiež užitočná ako odrazový materiál.

Rolka 1,22m X 7,6m


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Rosco’s Academy Award® winning range of color, correction and diffusion filters

The Rosco Cinegel range includes over 200 tools for controlling light, including color corrections, diffusions, our patented CalColor System, The Storaro Selection and Cinelux. Since it's introduction in 1970, Cinegel has continually developed and grown to meet the working needs of professionals working behind the camera. In 1974, Rosco was honored with an Academy Award® for developing the Cinegel range and again in 1998 for the development of the CalColor range of calibrated colors for camera.

Deep-Dyed Polyester Base

Cinegel color and correction filters are manufactured using Rosco’s unique deep-dyed technique. This process begins with a 48” (1.2m) wide roll of clear PET polyester that is passed through a heated dye bath. The bath causes the film to swell, expanding the polymer structure and allowing the dye molecules to penetrate into the base film. As the polymer contracts to its normal form, the dye is trapped below the surface.

Wide Range of Diffusion Filters

Cinegel offers over 30 different materials that alter the size, shape and intensity of the beam – allowing filmmakers and photographers to change the contrast ratio and the highlights & shadows created when lighting their set or subject. The range includes:

Tough Filters: Feature a higher melting point and are suitable for use directly in front of most light fixtures.

Soft Filters: Designed for use on low-heat light sources or on frames positioned several feet in front of hot light fixtures. Several of these soft filters can be sewn or welded into large butterflies and overheads, and are available in extra-wide rolls for fewer seams.

Reflection & Bounce Materials

Bounced and reflected light is a useful tool for filmmakers and photographers when time, budget or space is limited. The Cinegel reflection and bounce materials offer a variety of choices that are lightweight, durable and convenient, and a...ll of them are designed for permanent mounting to reflector boards or other rigid surfaces such as foamcore or showcard. The metallized reflector materials are constructed with a reflecting surface that is laminated to a durable white backing, which is also useful as a bounce material. Many of these reflectors have been softened by an embossing process to create a more diffused, indirect quality of illumination.

Roll 1,22m X 7,6m