Cameo DVC PRO - 1024-Channel USB zu DMX-Interface with WiFi Access and Control Software
• USB rozhranie s 1024 DMX kanálmi v živom režime (rozšíriteľné cez ArtNet)
• Integrovaná pamäť Flash pre 256 DMX kanálov v samostatnom režime (rozšíriteľná až na 1024 kanálov)
• Užívateľsky príjemný a intuitívny softvér Cameo DMX „od Daslight“ pre Windows a Max OS je k dispozícii na stiahnutie zadarmo
• Na registráciu hardvéru a aktiváciu softvéru je potrebné pripojenie na internet Viac ako 15 000 knižníc zariadení a vstavaný editor ScanLibrary na vytváranie a úpravy vlastných profilov zariadení
• Výkonný motor XEEL pre stovky pôsobivých obrazových a obrazových efektov a pohybov pre pohyblivé hlavy a skenery
• Ovládanie pomocou dotykovej obrazovky a diaľkové ovládanie základných funkcií prostredníctvom inteligentných telefónov a tabletov so systémom iOS a Android alebo MIDI ovládača
• Vstavaný prístupový bod pre diaľkové ovládanie cez Wi-Fi v samostatnom režime Zvukový analyzátor a hodiny MIDI na synchronizáciu svetelnej šou a rýchlosti hudby
• Programovanie v reálnom čase a ...3D vizualizácia svetelnej šou
• Kompatibilné s aplikáciou Light Raider na zariadeniach so systémom Android a iOS (bezplatná 30-denná skúšobná verzia je k dispozícii na stiahnutie).
DMX-compatible light units can be conveniently operated via PC and Mac with the Cameo DVC PRO Interface and associated Cameo software (powered by Daslight). Used in live mode, the plug-and-play interface provides 1024 DMX channels. When used in standalone mode without a computer, it offers 256 channels (extendable to up to 1024 channels) and programmed lightshows can be copied to the integrated Flash memory. The interface features a USB-C port for input and two 3-pin XLR outputs. It is supplied with power via the computer's USB output. Three buttons facilitate programme selection and dimming in standalone mode. This requires a standard retail 5 V USB power adapter.The free Cameo software package contains over 15,000 device libraries and a ScanLibrary editor for creating and editing your own device profiles. Individual DMX devices can be selected, placed in groups and added to a 2D view of the lightshow. Dynamic scenes can be created, arranged and placed over each other. The palette feature facilitates light control without fader movements, and the XEEL engine creates hundreds of wide-ranging, exciting pixel and video effects.The software includes a comprehensive toolbox for live editing, an audio analyser, a MIDI clock for synchronising light and music speed, and 3D visualisation of the programmed lightshow in real time. The screen layout is fully customisable to individual needs, and the free Easy Remote Pro app facilitates remote control with iOS and Android devices. DVC PRO's built-in Wi-Fi access point means that no external peripherals are needed.After successful registration at, hardware and software upgrades (fees may apply) are available. These include upgrades for the standalone and live channels, as well as temporary and unlimited licences from Light Rider, and much more.The DVC PRO interface and free software have been specially developed for Cameo by Daslight. Please refer technical queries to SUPPORT@DASLIGHT.COM.