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Obsidian Control Systems ONYX ESSENTIAL

ONYX Essential je šifrovaný USB kľúč, ktorý umožňuje 8 ONYX universov ONYX a odomyká funkcie OSC, MIDI a Timecode pre PC systémy. Tento kompaktný kľúč obsahuje licenciu ONYX, ktorú softvér ONYX okamžite rozpozná. Nevyžaduje sa žiadne online pripojenie ani aktivácia. K dispozícii sú rôzne úrovne licencií, aby vyhovovali veľkosti predstavenia. Kľúč ONYX Essential je možné použiť na akomkoľvek počítači a nie je zaregistrovaný na konkrétny hardvér. Ovládače sú predinštalované s ONYX, vďaka čomu je tento kľúč plug and play. ONYX Key je skvelé riešenie pre používateľov na cestách, ako záložný systém alebo na zostavenie výkonných PC systémov pre aplikácie v oblasti architektúry.

ONYX Essential is an encrypted USB key to enable 8 ONYX Universes and unlock OSC, MIDI and Timecode features for PC Systems.
This compact key carries an ONYX license that is instantly recognized by the ONYX software. No online connectivity or activation is required. Different license levels are available to suit the size o...f the show.

The ONYX Essential key can be used on any PC and is not registered to a specific hardware. Drivers are pre-installed with ONYX, making this key plug and play.

The ONYX Key is a great solution for users on the go, as a backup systems or to build powerful PC systems for architainment applications.


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ONYX Essential is an encrypted USB key to enable 8 ONYX Universes and unlock OSC, MIDI and Timecode features for PC Systems.
This compact key carries an ONYX license that is instantly recognized by the ONYX software. No online connectivity or activation is required. Different license levels are available to suit the size of the show.

The ONYX Essential key can be used on any PC and is not registered to a specific hardware. Drivers are pre-installed with ONYX, making this key plug and play.

The ONYX Key is a great solution for users on the go, as a backup systems or to build powerful PC systems for architainment applications.
Podrobnosti • 8 univerzov • 2 DyLOS zóny • Odomknutie OSC, MID a časového kódu • Šifrované zariadenie USB 2.0 • 5V cez USB • Maximálny prúd: 20 mA