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Obsidian Control Systems NX Wing

NX Wing je kontrolným panelom s USB pre platformu Obsidian Control Systems ONYX. NX Wing vychádza z konzoly NX 2 využívajúc rovnaký robustný dizajn a komponenty s identickou stopou a usporiadaním.
Prostredníctvom pripojenia USB NX Wing poskytuje citlivé profesionálne riešenie pre prevádzkovanie platformy ONYX na akomkoľvek počítači bez kompromisov.
Každý užívateľ ONYXu sa bude cítiť okamžite oboznámený s NX Wingom.Nie je potrebná žiadna, ani dodatočná inštalácia.
S technológiou ONYX ho jednoducho pripojíte k počítaču a okamžite môžete začať.NX Wing poskytuje rozsiahlu konektivitu pomocou 4 DMX portov,MIDI a Timecode portov.

NX Wing
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Click here for NX Wing SpecificationsNX Wing is the complementary USB control surface to Obsidian Control Systems ONYX platform. Based on the NX 2 console the NX Wing utilizes the same rugged design and components with an identical footprint and layout. Through its USB connection the NX Wing provides a responsive, professional hardware surface to operate ONYX on any PC system without compromises. Any user of ONYX will feel instantly familiar with the NX Wing and no setup or additional installation is required. Simply plug it into a user-provided PC with ONYX and get started instantly.
NX Wing provides extensive connectivity with 4 DMX Ports, MIDI and Timecode ports while unlocking 128 Universes of control when connected to ONYX on a PC.
Click here to learn more about NX Wing
FEATURES Fully featured control surface, portable and lightweight 10 Playbacks, Encoders, Keypad and internal 3.5" touchscreen DMX, Timecode and Midi Connectivity 128 Universe License for ONYX included  Plug and Play USB device for any PC with ONYX