Košík pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky
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Ušetrite čas s návrhom osvetlenia, dokumentáciou a vizualizačným softvérom, ktorý sa dá ľahko naučiť a zároveň sa oplatí ho používať! Capture Visualisation™ je natívna aplikácia pre MacOS a Windows, ktorá vám umožní pracovať s osvetlením, videom, laserom, pohyblivou scenériou a vodnými prvkami show. Capture Visulasiation™ bol vyvinutý s cieľom zlepšiť váš zážitok z navrhovania a pomôcť vám zostať na správnej ceste a zároveň sa sústrediť na prácu.
Či už chcete vytvoriť jednoduchý 2D náčrt alebo plnohodnotný 3D graf Capture uspokojí vaše potreby. Vyskúšajte toľko zariadení, koľko potrebujete, v rôznych pozíciách zavesenia a s rôznymi farbami alebo gobami. Ľahko sa prispôsobte akýmkoľvek zmenám dizajnu súpravy alebo náhlym novým obmedzeniam. Urobte ešte viac s pôsobivými možnosťami importu 3D modelov a vynikajúcou integráciou s inými produktmi na ovládanie a dizajn osvetlenia.
Vneste do svojej vizualizácie osvetlenie, médiá a pohyb. Vykresľovací mechanizmus Capture sa vyznačuje vynikajúc...ou presnosťou farieb a úžasným výkonom, ktorý na vás okamžite zapôsobí! S kompletnou knižnicou svietidiel, nosníkov, LED panelov a video projektorov máte všetko, čo potrebujete na to, aby sa vaše nápady ožili. Keď je váš návrh hotový, môžete ho vykresliť do vysokokvalitných obrázkov a video súborov. Môžete tiež exportovať jedinečné samostatné prezentácie Capture, ktoré poskytujú plnú interaktivitu s vaším dizajnom.
Pri vizualizácii Capture Visualization je pozornosť sústredená na hlavnú funkcionalitu dizajnu osvetlenia softvéru. Capture teraz predstavuje skupiny zariadení a nový špecializovaný nástroj „focus plane“. Zlepšila sa aj správa údajov o prípravkoch vo všeobecnosti. To všetko je využité v prepracovanom editore reportov, ktorý teraz umožňuje vytvárať prakticky akýkoľvek typ reportu.


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Features :
-Quickly model basic venues and locations using a variety of built-in dynamic shapes in no time.
-Import 3D venue models with materials and layers using file formats like DWG, glTF, SketchUp, Cinema 4D and more.
-Import and export patch information using CSV and XML files to and from lighting consoles and other design software.
-Use layers, filters and scenes to manage and organize large designs with ease.
-Use the spreadsheet-style fixtures tab to quickly navigate and manage all your fixtures.
-Gain instant control of your fixtures' parameters using the control panel when working without a console.
-Connect to and visualize with any lighting console. Exchange patch information, focus positions and more with leading console brands.
-Simulate standard and transparent LED panels with correct pixel pitch. Set up back and front video projections.
-Simulate aerial laser effects and projections in with content from any laser control system.
-Simulate moving scenery controlled by external staging systems in real-time. Emulate staging systems using DMX.
-Create realistic image and movie renders of your design. Watermark with them with your logotype and project information.
-Export interactive presentations to send to your clients. Impress them with a real-time demo of your design looks!
-Specialized truss and fixture symbols produce readable plots packed with information.
-Use plot styles to customize the looks of and information available between different plots.
-Add dimensions and symbols to any plot to provide that extra bit of information.
-The plot editor lets you add any views and information you need to a plot, including automatic symbol and layer keys.
-Choose from a selection of configurable reports, groupable and sortable in different ways.
Save time with lighting design, documentation and visualization software that is both easy to learn and rewarding to use! Capture Visualisation™ is a native MacOS and Windows application that lets you... work with the lighting, video, laser, moving scenery and water elements of a show. Capture Visulasiation™ has been developed to enhance your design experience and help you stay on track while focusing on the work at hand.

Whether you're looking to create a simple 2D sketch or a full-blown 3D plot, Capture has you covered. Try as many fixtures as you need, at different hanging positions and with different colors or gobos. Adapt easily to any set design changes or sudden new restrictions. Do even more with Capture’s impressive 3D model import capabilities and excellent integration with other lighting control and design products.

Bring lighting, media and motion into your visualization. Capture’s rendering engine features outstanding color accuracy and amazing performance, which will impress you right away! With a complete library of lighting fixtures, trussing, LED panels and video projectors you have everything you need to make your ideas come to life. When your design is complete you can render it to high quality image and video files. You can also export Capture's unique, stand-alone, presentations which deliver full interactivity with your design.

For Capture Visualisation, the focus has been on the core lighting design functionality of the software. Capture now introduces fixture groups and a new dedicated 'focus plane' tool. They have also improved on fixture data management in general. All this is put to use in the reworked report editor which now makes it possible to create virtually any type of report.