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LD Systems U508 IEM HP - Bezdrôtový monitorovací systém do uší - 863 - 865 MHz + 823 - 832 MHz

• Spoľahlivý In-ear monitoring s dosahom viac ako 100 m
• 96 dostupných kanálov
• 2, 10 alebo 30 mW voliteľný prenosový výkon ERP
• Pohodlná synchronizácia infračervenej frekvencie
• Individuálne priradenie užívateľského mena a pamäť pre 10 vlastných predvolieb
• Rozšírená frekvenčná odozva 3-pásmový EQ s parametrickými stredmi
• Prepínateľný limiter
• Prevádzkové režimy Stereo, Focus a Mono
• Vysoko kontrastný OLED displej
• Vysielač s priamym monitorovaním výstupu pre slúchadlá
• Prijímač bodypack s tromi voliteľnými úrovňami
• 10 hodín prevádzky prijímača bodypack na dvoch batériách AA
• Súčasná prevádzka až 12 systémov
• Vysielač U500® IEM kompatibilný s bodypackmi U300® IEM

Move freely on stage while the perfect monitor mix is delivered directly to your ears: the amazing performance and reliability of the U500® In-Ear Monitoring Systems will surpass your expectations for certain. Designed with the pro user in mind, they feature advanced technology, contemporar...y looks and straightforward operation.U500® In-Ear Systems provide a selection of 96 channels and 2, 10 or 30 mW RF output power for a transmission range greater than 100 m. For quick and trouble-free setup, they allow for convenient infrared synchronisation of transmitter and receiver. U500® In-Ears sport high-contrast OLED displays and allow for individual user name assignment. In addition, you can save 10 custom presets.To deliver pristine, precise audio U500® In-Ear Monitoring Systems include a 3-band EQ with parametric mids, a switchable limiter and a squelch circuit. They offer a choice of stereo or mono operation and a direct monitoring headphone output at the transmitter. They offer a choice of stereo or mono operation and a direct monitoring headphone output at the transmitter. With a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 95 dB and less than 0,3% THD, the U500® In-Ear's noise floor is exceptionally low.Drawing little current only, the U500® Bodypack Receiver operates up to 10 hours on two AA batteries. A volume control allows convenient in-performance monitoring level adjustment. Three selectable squelch levels ensure optimum performance at all times.U500® In-Ear Monitoring Systems are available for operation in five frequency ranges. The 470 - 490 MHz, 514 - 542 MHz, 584 - 608 MHz and 655 - 679 MHz bands permit running up to 12 systems simultaneously. In the 823 - 832 MHz + 863 - 865 MHz range six systems can be operated at the same time providing wireless monitoring for your entire band.


U508 IEM HP - Bezdrôtový monitorovací systém do uší -  863 - 865 MHz + 823 - 832 MHz
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Reliable in-ear monitoring with more than 100 m range96 available channels2, 10 or 30 mW ERP selectable transmission powerConvenient infrared frequency syncingIndividual user name assignment and memory for 10 custom presetsExtended frequency response3-band EQ with parametric midsSwitchable limiterStereo, focus and mono modes of operationHigh-contrast OLED displayTransmitter with direct monitoring headphone outputBodypack receiver with three selectable squelch levels10 h of bodypack receiver operation on two AA batteriesSimultaneous operation of up to 12 systemsU500® IEM transmitter compatible with U300® IEM bodypacks