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LD Systems DAVE 8 SET 1 - Transportné tašky s kolieskami pre systémy DAVE 8

Táto sada sa skladá z prepravného vaku na kolieskach pre subwoofer DAVE8 a transportný/prenosný vak pre dva satelity DAVE8. Obe vysokokvalitné tašky sú čalúnené.Na bokoch prenosnej tašky so subwooferom nájdete 4 veľké vrecká na zips pre káble a ďalšie príslušenstvo. Prenosná taška pre satelity je vybavená 2 priehradkami napr. na uloženie reproduktorových káblov. Obe tašky na prenášanie sú navzájom bezpečne spojené pomocou prúžkov so suchým zipsom. S touto súpravou je váš systém Dave 8 dobre chránený pred nárazmi, poškriabaním a prachom.

DAVE 8 SET 1 - Transportné tašky s kolieskami pre systémy DAVE 8
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Transport Set to fit DAVE 8 XS and DAVE 8 Roadie.

This set consists of a transport bag incl. casters for the DAVE8 Subwoofer and a transport/carrying bag for the two DAVE8 satellites.
Both bags are padded and are of a high-quality. 4 large zipped pockets for cables and other accessories can be found on the sides of the Subwoofer Carrying Bag. The Satellite Carrying Bag is equipped with 2 compartments for storage of speaker cables, for example. Both carrying bags are securely connected to each other by hook & loop strips.

With this set your Dave 8 System is well protected from bumps, scratches and dust. A "must have" for any mobile user!

• Integrated multidirectional swivel castors
• 4 large pockets for storage of cables and accessories on the Subwoofer Carrying Bag
• 2 compartments for storing cables on the satellite Carrying Bags
• Both carrying bags are securely connected to each other by hook & loop strips.

• Product type: PA Complete Systems Accessories • Type: Accessory Sets ○ transport bag for subwoofer • Material of transport bag for subwoofer: padded, tear-resistant Nylon • Colour of transport bag for subwoofer: Black • Number of casters: 4 ○ transport bag for satellite • Material of transport bag for satellite: padded, tear-resistant Nylon • Colour of transport bag for satellite: Black • Weight: 3,45 kg